Full Circle – April 8, 2005
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The Historic 24-Hour Read-in to Save Public Libraries in Salinas.
Your cultural affairs radio magazine, produced by members and graduates of the First Voice Apprenticeship Program right here in Huichin, in that part of occupied Ohlone Territory known as Berkeley, California.
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The Historic 24-Hour Read-in to Save Public Libraries in Salinas.
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Well hear Rabab Abdulhadi, Union of Palestinian Womens Associations, at the recent Incite Conference: The Color of Violence III: Stopping the War On Women of Color. www.incite-national.org; Honoring the life of Cesar Chavez; Elephants in Thailand helping people after the Tsunami disaster; A review of the film Ethan Mao, by Asian-American filmmaker Quentin Lee, at … Continued
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This week on Full Circle, well be bringing you Stories From Around the World. Tune in with the Full Circle crew as Brother Tondre speaks on whats happening in Hebron, a city in Palestine, struggling to survive the Israeli occupation. Also, well listen to a Palestinian womans speech from the Incite conference on violence against … Continued
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This week on full circle, well take a hard look at the many forms ofViolence around the world. Join us for a news update about the protest in San Francisco on March19th, which marks the two-year anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. We will also be hearing some stories of conflict from Iraq. This … Continued
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Be part of the Full Circle as they celebrate International Women’s Day with interviews, features and music.
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We will explore queer youth identity. How does queer identity intersect with racial identity in the activist community? The latest coverage on racism in the Castro. And in honor of international women’s month, the first segment in our honoring series. We honor labor and human rights activist, Lucy Parsons.
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Celebrating Black History Month: The gospel, jazz, and pop music of the Ben Oni Orchestra, live in studio, and storyteller and performer Javelin Richards.
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Full Circle interviews producers of the new documentary, Mission Against Terror that tells the story of the "Cuban 5" that are being held in U.S. Prisons.
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On Full Circle this week, Monica Lam and Garance Burke talk about their new documentary, The Rules of the Game, and the issues surrounding Indian gaming in California. Through the voices of people who are directly affected by Indian gaming, The Rules of the Game explores a modern day dilemma, where deeply held beliefs about … Continued
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Full Circle honors actor, writer, and social activist Ossie Davis, who died earlier today. Later, the issue of homelessness.