Free Speech Radio News

Free Speech Radio News – January 14, 2005

Bolivian’s Protest Mishandling of Public Utilities Lawmakers Immune from Discrimination Suites? Calls for Boycott in Upcoming Iraqi Elections US Involvement in Torture on Trial Public Excluded from the Inaugural Parade Indonesian Military Prioritze Fighting GAM Over Providing Tsunami Relief

Free Speech Radio News

Free Speech Radio News – January 13, 2005

Supreme Court Rules on Deportation HRW Watch releases 15th annual World Reports No WMD’s & Economic Situation Forces many into Corruption in Iraq Indonesia Moves to Eject all Foreigners from Aceh Pro-independence Calls Intensify in Hawai’i Protesting Lack of Affordable Housing in DC

Free Speech Radio News

Free Speech Radio News – January 12, 2005

Massive Mobilizations in Bolivia Attacks on Iraqi Army Continue: Report from Baghdad Bush Nominee Chertoff Has Alarming Record Debt Relief for Tsunami Countries? UN Meets to Discuss Tsunami Relief African Nations not Recieving Needed Aid Israeli Occupation Continues Despite Abbas Election Can a Connecticut Execution be Stopped?