Free Speech Radio News

Free Speech Radio News – March 21, 2005

Disability Rights Groups Support Keeping Terri Shiavo Alive Kofi Annan Says United Nations Needs Overhaul Protestors in Hollywood Demonstrate Against War Protest in Boston Leads to 5 Arrests 20,000 People Demonstrate in Istanbul Opinions Split Over Naranda Modi In New York and India Supreme Court Will Not Hear Appeal in the Case of Zaccarias Moussaoui … Continued

Free Speech Radio News

Free Speech Radio News – March 16, 2005

Armed Forces Plans for Live Bombing Exercises in Environmentally Sensitive Central Florida Major Move Towards Drilling in Alaska’s National Wildlife Refuge Residents Still Skeptical as Israel Hands Over Jericho Wolfowitz is Bush’s Choice to Lead World Bank Australia Responds to China’s Law to Possibly Attack Taiwan Hallabja Massacre Anniversary Italy Extends Iraq Mission Another Six … Continued

Free Speech Radio News

Free Speech Radio News – March 15, 2005

Insurgent Group De-Mines Field at Community’s Request Bush’s $81-Billion Wartime Request Set to Pass in the House San Francisco Court Says Same Sex Couples Have Constitutional Right to Marriage Exploration and Drilling Plan for Arctic National Wildlife Refuge New Mercury Emissions Rules Come Under Question Activists Protest US Forest Service Plan to Cut Old Growth … Continued

Free Speech Radio News

Free Speech Radio News – March 11, 2005

Clear Skies Act Appears to Have Failed in Congress as EPA Creates New Rules A Federal Court Dismisses Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orange Grassroots and Elite Politics Clash in Bolivia Doctors and Health Sector Workers Make Labor Demands in Peru Draft Agreement Met Between Shiites and Kurds in Iraq Ransom Likely for French Journalist Kidnapped … Continued

Free Speech Radio News

Free Speech Radio News – March 10, 2005

First Congressional Hearing on Detainee Abuse in Over One Year Hong Kong’s Chief Executive Steps Down Uganda Peacekeepers Ready to Deploy to Sudan Multi-Candidate Election in Egypt Called a Masquerade African Americans Placed At Risk By Current Health System International Aid to Afghan Women Severely Lacking

Free Speech Radio News

Free Speech Radio News – March 9, 2005

In Kosovo, Albanian Leader Indicted for War Crimes Senate Likely to Pass Bankruptcy Reform Bill Mass Protests against Ratification of Free Trade Agreement Continue in Guatemala Israel to Hand Over Control of West Bank Towns to Palestinian Authority Los Angeles Mayor’s Race Reminiscent of Last Election Coalition of Immokalee Workers End Taco Bell Boycott