Free Speech Radio News

Free Speech Radio News – May 17, 2005

Last Minute Lobbying Efforts on the "Nuclear Option" Newsweek Retracts Article About US Interrogators Desecrating Koran Indonesia Drops Charges Against US-Based Multinationals Small Faction of Pro-GMO Countries Prevent International Consensus on Food Labeling Destruction of Central America’s Largest Extension of Wetlands Demonstrators Protest Against Logging in Southern Oregon

Free Speech Radio News

Free Speech Radio News – May 16, 2005

Senate Republican Leadership Threatens Enacting the Nuclear Option Civil Unrest Continues in Uzbekistan Nelson Mandela in DC Second Anniversary of Immigrant Deaths in Texas Protests Throughout the United States Over the Cost of War in Iraq Excerpts from Speeches at the Opening Plenary at the Media Reform Conference

Free Speech Radio News

Free Speech Radio News – May 12, 2005

John Bolton Nomination Headed to Senate Floor Bi-Partisan Immigration Reform Introduced Fuel Prices Affect Small Farmers US May Be Turning its Back to Anther Human Rights Scandal in the Middle East Sweden’s Harsh New Immigration Laws Commentary by Mumia Abul Jamal: Nukes R Us

Free Speech Radio News

Free Speech Radio News – May 11, 2005

Indigenous Mapuches Fight for Resource Rights in Southern Argentina Pentagon Indicates that Anti-US Attacks in Iraq Have Doubled in the Last Month Emergency Evacuation of DC Due to Small Private Aircraft State of New York Reverses Controversial Driver’s License Requirement Muslim American’ Civil Rights Abuses on the Rise A Look at Forced Labor in Asia … Continued

Free Speech Radio News

Free Speech Radio News – May 10, 2005

US Senate Ready To Approve Immigration Measure Support for Free Trade Pact Flounders In Congress War Resistors Rally Across the Country U.S. Indonesian Joint Military Excercizes Focus on Piracy Connecticut Scheduled for First Execution in 45 Years Paris Commemorates Algerian Massacres

Free Speech Radio News

Free Speech Radio News – May 6, 2005

Mustafa Barghouthi on Municipal Elections in Palestine Controversy Growing over Pharmaceutical Industry Environmental Protections Repealed Tony Blair Re-Elected Without Popular Mandate Real ID Act Will Rescind Habeas Corpus Indigenous Resistance to Colombian Military and FAR

Free Speech Radio News

Free Speech Radio News – May 4, 2005

Capitol Hill Lobbyist Illegally Paid for Trips Made by Politicians Making Marijuana a Key Policy Concern French Citizens Still Divided on EU Referendum Community Campaigners Attend Gold Mine Company’s Share Holder’s Meeting Telephone Obstacles Facing Families in Divided Kashmir Corruption at Nuclear Power Plant in the Philippines