
Explorations – October 9, 2007

1) 200 accidents invovling lethal germ warfare2) N. Korea to dismantle its nuke program3) 30% reduction in ozone hole4) Earthlike planet forming around distant star Special guest: Dr. Callum Roberts, author the Unnatural History of the Seas, argues that the oceans are in an "endgame" and are about to collapse, with severe reprecussions for humanity.


Explorations – October 2, 2007

1) Is Pres. Buish changing position on global warming?2) Strange meteor sickens Peruvians3) NASA launches probe to asteroid belt4) DNA of mammoths sequenced – wine DNA sequenced – "age genes" sequenced.     Special guest: Pulitzer prize winning journalist Ross Gelbspan updates us on the effects of global warming.  


Explorations – September 25, 2007

1) Nuclear power on a come-back trail2) Calif. sues auto makers for global warming3) Origin of dinosaur-killing meteor found?4) Nobel Laureate says manned space program is a waste of money.    Notes: Credits: Guest: Dr. Janna Levin of Columbia, novelist and theoretical physicist, speaks of cosmology and artificial intelligence, and writing novels about them, esp. as … Continued