Early Morning Music

Early Morning Music, Wednesday – May 13, 2009 at 5:00am

this episode is no longer available

The  Military Coup continues in Honduras. We'll devote the entire hour to the ongoing repression there, including the killing of two activists. We'll get a live report from  the ground,  speak with the Founder of Narco News, Al Giordano, from Somewhere in a Country CalledAmerica, and continue our dialogue with Eva Golinger in Caracus, where … Continued

Early Morning Music

Early Morning Music, Wednesday – May 6, 2009 at 5:00am

this episode is no longer available

The Morning Show features Frida Berrigan, Senior Program Associate of the Arms and Security Initiative at the New America Foundation, who discusses US Arms sales around the world.  Followed by Miguel Tinker Salas , Professor of Chicano and Latin American Studies at Pomona College in California, with analysis of the changing face of Latin America. … Continued

Early Morning Music

Early Morning Music, Wednesday – April 29, 2009 at 5:00am

this episode is no longer available

Former gang member turned gang prevention leader Alex Sanchez denied bail; Tom Hayden gives us the story. And alternative Fourth of July: Frederick Douglass Day.  PLUS: Asian-themed children's TV series picked up by Hollywood—and white-washed.  With host Kris Welch. guests: Tom Hayden, social and political activist, former Cal. State Assembly/ Senate         Raymond "Nat" Turner, … Continued

Early Morning Music

Early Morning Music, Wednesday – April 1, 2009 at 5:00am

this episode is no longer available

The US Supreme Court refuses to review the case of the Cuban 5, we'll hear from Gloria la Riva about the next legal steps ahead; also, elections in Iran: protests erupt in the streets of Tehran as Ahmedinejad is re-elected as President, Robert Knight features in-depth coverage; Former US President Jimmy Carter meets with Israeli … Continued

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