Early Morning Music with The Experience Collective

Early Morning Music (Tuesday) – June 9, 2009 at 5:00am

this episode is no longer available

Honduran police and security forces open fire on protesters with tear gas and live ammunition, one teacher is critically wounded and several reporters are badly beaten, we'll have a special report from the ground; also, Nobel Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi on trial in Burma while US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is busy meeting … Continued

Early Morning Music with The Experience Collective

Early Morning Music (Tuesday) – April 28, 2009 at 5:00am

this episode is no longer available

What’s happening as troops increase in Afghanistan & decrease in Iraq? Pratap Chatterjee talks about his recent trip to these war-torn countries and about his new book “Halliburton’s War” about a company making big bucks while now flying under the radar. Plus, Music and Memories: hip-hop artist Denizen Kane comes on with spoken words and … Continued