Dean Suzuki

Dean Suzuki is an Associate Professor of Music at San Francisco State University, focusing on experimental classical music, contemporary pop music, experimental rock music and the history of rock ‘n’roll. As a music critic and journalist, he contributes to several publications, including Musicworks, Progression, Expose and Goldmine, among others. He has a Ph.D. in Musicology from the University of Southern California.

Thomas Dimuzio

Thomas Dimuzio is a musician, composer, improviser, sound designer, mastering engineer, label proprietor, and music technologist residing in San Francisco, California. Inspired as much by John Cage as Led Zeppelin, Dimuzio’s music is like a sonic excursion that transports the listener into other worldly aural realms. “His work has a narrative, filmic tug that will draw you into its dark corners, ears alert… brilliant and rarely less than entertaining.” (Peter Marsh, BBC) His recordings have been released internationally by ReR Megacorp, Asphodel, RRRecords, No Fun Productions, Sonoris, Drone Records, Record Label Records, Odd Size, Seeland, and other independent labels. Among his collaborators are Chris Cutler, Dan Burke, Joseph Hammer, Anla Courtis, Nick Didkovsky, Due Process, Voice of Eye, Fred Frith, David Lee Myers, 5uu’s, Matmos, Wobbly and Negativland.