Democracy Now 9am (rebroadcast)

Democracy Now! (6 am) – January 25, 2005

The Hidden Passages in Bush’s Inaugural Address We speak with Matt Rothschild of The Progressive Magazine who analyzes President Bush’s second inaugural address. Rothschild finds that in addition to the many explicit references to God, Bush’s speech contained even more hidden allusions to the Bible. Gore Vidal on Bush’s Inaugural Address: "The Most Un-American Speech … Continued

Democracy Now 9am (rebroadcast)

Democracy Now! (6 am) – January 24, 2005

Violence Continues in Iraq as Jan. 30 Vote Looms Protesters Disrupt Bush’s Inaugural Address Media Concentration Proponent Michael Powell Resigns From FCC Truthout’s William Rivers Pitt on the "Perfect Propaganda" in the Corporate Media Damu Smith: "Bush Doesn’t Know Anything About Freedom" John Hess 1917-2005: Veteran Journalist and Radio Commentator Dies at 87

Democracy Now 9am (rebroadcast)

Democracy Now! (6 am) – January 21, 2005

Inauguration 2005: Bush Vows to Spread "Freedom" and Target World’s "Tyrannies" in Second Term Activists Disrupt Bush Inauguration Ceremony Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark Calls For Bush Impeachment Scenes from the Streets of DC: Democracy Now! Speaks With Supporters and Critics of Bush’s Inauguration Pentagon Turns Away Mothers of Soldiers Killed in Iraq Undercover … Continued