Cover to Cover with Jack Foley – March 10, 2004
Walter Ong, S.J., A tribute. Jack Foley hosts.
3:00 PST Wednesdays
A celebration of the art of poetry. A well-known poet himself, Jack Foley’s considerable historical knowledge and his awareness of the current “scene” are incorporated into his radio shows and have made them a kaleidoscopic, always stimulating attraction for anyone interested in poetry.
Walter Ong, S.J., A tribute. Jack Foley hosts.
Beat Haiku. Jack Foley reads a talk he gave at the convention of The Haiku Society of American in December, 2003. The talk deals with ways in which the Beat Generation, particularly, Jack Kerouac, made use of the poetic form, haiku.
On Communism: Toby Cole and The Penguin Book of Socialist Verse, edited by Alan Bold. Host Jack Foley and his guest, the noted authority on the Federal Theater and socialism, discuss revolutionary dreams.
On Communism: Richard Stites and Paul du Quenoy take sides on the subject. Host Jack Foley investigates both men’s writings, including excerpts from Stites’ Revolutionary Dreams: Utopian Vision and Experimental Life in the Russian Revolution.
Tribute to poet Sylvia Plath (1932-1963). Host Jack Foley discusses her late work and plays recordings of Plath reading.
Myronn Hardy, author of Approaching the Center: Poems. Jack Foley hosts.
Myronn Hardy, Approaching the Center. A native of Michigan, Hardy spent 1998 in Soweto while researching apartheid and post- apartheid South Africa. His poetry has appeared in African- American Review, Callaloo, Many Mountains Moving, Third Coast, and elsewhere. Part One of two. Jack Foley hosts.
American Literature, a speech delivered by Jack Foley at the University of Damascus, Syria (winter, 2003).
Syria, Syria. A moving account of host Jack Foley’s recent trip to see his son in the Middle East.
George Cohan, titan of the American theater. Conclusion, today, of a tribute to this creator of the 1906 musical 45 Minutes from Broadway, which was restaged in 1959, starring Tammy Grimes, Larry Blyden, and Russell Nype. Host Jack Foley plays excerpts.