Counterspin – September 24, 2004
Phillis Bennis on Iraq war "illegal"? and Rory O’Connor on PBS going right.
6:30 PM Pacific Time: Sundays
CounterSpin provides a critical examination of the each week’s major news stories, and exposes what the mainstream media may have missed in their own coverage. Combines lively discussion and thoughtful critique. Produced by the national media watch group FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting).
Phillis Bennis on Iraq war "illegal"? and Rory O’Connor on PBS going right.
Heidi Boghosian on RNC protests & Ellen Frank on state of the economy.
David Swanson on overtime pay & Jason Leopold on Halliburton.
Brian Montopoli on Swift Boat controversy & Kyle Johnson on KNFT.
Mark Weisbrot on Venezuela’s Chavez referendum & Jonathan Rintels on digital broadcasting.
Greg Nojeim on the privatization of surveillance & Lucy Dalglish on Behind the Home Front.
Zachary Roth on Democratic Convention & Kim Crenshaw on Al Sharpton.
Bill Berkowitz on Iraq & Seth Ackerman on the UN oil-for-food "scandal"
John Nichols on Election 2004 & George Farah on open debates.
Ray McGovern on Senate CIA report & Robert Greenwald on ‘Outfoxed’