Counterspin – July 2, 2004
Salih Booker on Sudan & Joanne Doroshow on Fahrenheit 9/11.
6:30 PM Pacific Time: Sundays
CounterSpin provides a critical examination of the each week’s major news stories, and exposes what the mainstream media may have missed in their own coverage. Combines lively discussion and thoughtful critique. Produced by the national media watch group FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting).
Salih Booker on Sudan & Joanne Doroshow on Fahrenheit 9/11.
Michael Froomkin on torture memos & Robert Jensen on 9/11 Commission.
Lee Price on economic recovery & Tala Dowlatshahi on foreign journalist visas.
Bob Parry & Jill Nelson on Reagan’s Legacy.
Zeynep Toufe on Iraq "sovereignty" & Steve Rendall on NPR study.
Amy Goodman on The Exception to the Rulers.
Jen Banbury on Abu Ghraib & Stephen Doig on newspaper diversity.
Marjorie Cohn on Iraq torture scandal & Joe Conason on Kerry coverage.
Ali Abunimah on Sharon’s plan & Jason Vest on Iraq occupation.
Lamis Andoni on Fallujah and Laura Flanders on "Bushwomen"