Behind the News – April 26, 2008
Economics from a Left Perspective with Doug Henwood.
12:00 PM (Noon) Pacific Time: Thursdays
Host Doug Henwood covers the worlds of economics and politics and their complex interactions, from the local to the global.
Economics from a Left Perspective with Doug Henwood.
Economics from a Left Perspective with Doug Henwood.
Economics from a Left Perspective Doug Henwood
Economics from a Left Perspective Doug Henwood.
Jim Ledbetter on the collection of Marx’s journalism that he edited. Nomi Prins on Bear Stearns.
Economics from a Left Perspective Doug Henwood.
Tom Geoghegan, author of See You In Court, on how the right is responsible for litigiousness. And Greg Grandin on the constitutional referendum in Venezuela and the state of Hugo Chavez.
Economics from a Left Perspective with Doug Henwood.
New on KPFA: Economics from a Left Perspective with Doug Henwood
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