Bay Native Circle

Bay Native Circle – June 9, 2004

this episode is no longer available

We’ll be talking with Gilbert Blacksmith from the Medicine Warriors Dance Group and hearing songs from "All Nations Singers" appearing at the upcoming "Native Contemporary Arts Festival". And Janeen Antoine will talk with Nancy Steele, a Karuk woman from Advocates for Indigenous California Language Survival.

Bay Native Circle

Bay Native Circle – June 2, 2004

this episode is no longer available

In preparation for the upcoming 30th anniversary of the International Indian Treaty Council we’ll visit with longtime board member Bill Means . We’ll get an update on Biodiesel from Zackery Runningwolf, and experience the oratory of Salish youth Julian Brave Noisecat, reciting a piece from Chief Dan George. And we’ll have the Bay Native Calendar … Continued

Bay Native Circle

Bay Native Circle – May 12, 2004

this episode is no longer available

2 Hour Special: A local filmmaker tells the 3000 year history of the Emeryville Shell Mound, youth activists set-up an upcoming youth culture conference, and we’ll have the Bay Native Calendar of Events. And in this, our first fundraiser, we’ll be looking for new members to KPFA!

Bay Native Circle

Bay Native Circle – May 5, 2004

this episode is no longer available

Rick West of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian details the grand opening on the Capitol Mall this September 21st, and invites indigenous peoples of all the Americas to participate. We’ll also talk about mercury poisoning in the Bay, and run down the Bay Native Calendar of Events.

Bay Native Circle

Bay Native Circle – April 28, 2004

this episode is no longer available

Meet hosts Lakota Harden, Janeene Antoine, Ross Cunningham, and Corrina Gould on this first in a weekly magazine of today’s Native issues, people, culture, and events. This first program will focus on California Indians with a blessing by Diane Williams. Produced by Gregg McVicar of KPFA’s Earthsongs.

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