APEX Express

APEX Express – June 2, 2005

It’s the first week of the month. MC Kiwi hosts Apex’s API Hip Hop show. Joining us will be a representative from AYPAL (API Youth Promoting Advocacy and Leadership) to talk about their new campaign. It’s fueled by a bay area-wide collaboration of six API social service agencies that bring Filipinos, Cambodian, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, … Continued

APEX Express

APEX Express – May 26, 2005

A Refugee Trilogy: holds the eye of the camera and the ear to the heart of families who escaped war only to find new conflicts while growing up in America and searching for heritage. We’ll talk with teacher, filmmaker Spencer Nakasato and Cambodian American Mike Siv who returns to Cambodia to seek out his past … Continued

APEX Express

APEX Express – May 19, 2005

Movies, Martial Arts and Marathon on Apex. Though known for his films and martial arts, Bruce Lee was also a philosopher and innovator. For Lee, his life in the East Bay was a formative, but little-known period. In the books Dragon and The Tiger, authors Sid Campbell and Greglon Lee explore these years in Lee’s … Continued