APEX Express

APEX Express – May 8, 2008

Its Spring funddrive time! We hear excerpts from the DVD "Whose Children Are These?", a documentary that examines the harrowing experience of three Muslim-American teenagers affected by Special Registration during a post 9/11 time. Organic, Free Range, Fresh, Progressive, Politically Sexy and Tasty. These words describe "The Cooking Show con Karimi y Castro". Concinero Karimi … Continued

APEX Express

APEX Express – May 1, 2008

Join the Pretty Buoyant DJs, Phatrick & Adriel Luis, as we celebrate May Day with a call in from Kiwi and Geologic, aka Prometheus Brown (Blue Scholars) as they report live from the People Power Tour. Sponsored by Bayan USA, the People Power Tour will touch down in cities across the United States with the … Continued

APEX Express

APEX Express – April 24, 2008

Hear about the upcoming May 1st International Worker’s Day Rally in Oakland. Also, find out about a Performance called "Refugee Nation", based on stories of Laotian refugees and their descendants.  (http://refugeenation.blogspot.com/) Also, long time activist, Yuri Kochiyama about the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal (http://www.freemumia.com) Plus music, calendar and more!  Contact: 510-848-6767×464;[email protected]; for more stories: www.apexexpress.org … Continued

APEX Express

APEX Express – March 20, 2008

Pacific Islanders in a war overseas, in a fight for self-determination at home. We call Pratap Chatterjee in the Middle East.  Hear about Fijian truck drivers who have driven into Iraq over a hundred times but are now owed back pay, some un-able to return home. And, indigenous people from Guam fight to for a voice on an island that is still … Continued

APEX Express

APEX Express – March 6, 2008

The Pretty Buoyant Show is back in effect after a month long hiatus!Join hosts DJ Phatrick and Adriel Luis as we interview Japanese American filmmaker Tad Nakamura about his acclaimed film,  PILGRIMAGE, which tells the story about how the rediscovery of a Japanese internment camp in the 60′ s galvanized the budding Asian American movement … Continued