Americas Back 40

America’s Back 40 – June 13, 2004 at 1:00pm

this episode is no longer available

The Morning Show hosts a debate on California Propositions 1A and 1B, then an interview with Oakland City Council member Ignacio De La Fuente, Letters to Washington with Mitch Jeserich, Mumia Abu Jamal's new book, Jailhouse lawyers and a new film "New Muslim Cool" at the SF International film festival.  

Americas Back 40

America’s Back 40 – May 23, 2004 at 1:00pm

this episode is no longer available

Tonight’s program features news headlines from the Americas and the upcoming cumbre, the summit meeting of Latin American leaders. Our guest, Aurora Lopez, from the Spanish Speaking Unity Council will discuss thier Oakland health education program “QUE RICA VIDA: “Mente Sana en Cuerpo Sano.” and guest, Mark Lopez of the Pew Hispanic Center will discuss … Continued

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