September 2012 LSB Meeting Records

KPFA 2011 Local Station Board
Regular in-person meeting,
September 8, 2012, 11am-4pm
Berkeley Senior Center
Hearst Ave., Berkeley, CA

Note: An audio archive of this meeting is available at

Shahram Aghamir*, Mal Burnstein, Anthony Fest, Donald Goldmacher*, Conn Hallinan, Matthew Hallinan, Cynthia Johnson*, Janet Kobren, Jack Kurzweil*, Henry Norr, Andrea Prichett, Laura Prives, Tracy Rosenberg, Dan Siegel, Franklin Sterling, Akio Tanaka, Kate Tanaka, Andrea Turner*, Margy Wilkinson, Rych Withers; Craig Alderson (secretary), Barbara Whipperman (treasurer).

*Arrived after roll call.

1.         Call to order

Meeting called to order by chair M. Wilkinson at 11:14 am.

2.         Roll call and excusing of members

Moved (M. Burnstein) to excuse P. Drake, S. Futran, D. Gans, D. Goldmacher, T. Russell. Approved without objection. D. Goldmacher arrived later.

3.         Approve agenda

Moved (T. Rosenberg) to strike consideration of August 4 meeting draft minutes as that meeting was without a quorum. Approved: 8Y, 5N. Remaining agenda approved without objection.

Moved (M. Burnstein) for three-minute time limit on speakers. Failed: 8Y, 9N.

4.         Minutes

Moved (C. Hallinan) to adopt minutes of July 7, 2012, meeting, as drafted. Approved: 15Y, 0N, 1A.

5.         Public comments

Joy Moore.

6.         Announcements

A.         F. Sterling reported that the Apprenticeship Program had 36 graduates this year; 38 currently in program. The 10-year anniversary of Full Circle apprenticeship program is coming up. The parking lot sale raised $2200 thanks to listeners, Phil Osegueda, and contributions of old premiums.

B.         J. Kobren announced that Occupy Forum meetings have moved from the Women’s Building to Bradley Manning (aka Justin Herman) Plaza, 6-9pm Mondays. Topic this week: “Is capitalism obsolete?” Sept. 17 is one-year anniversary of Occupy. Many actions planned around Bay Area, including convergence on 555 California St.

C.         A. Prichett announced that she would be speaking with mother of Alan Blueford on police brutality at Green Party forum, Sunday 5pm, Niebyl-Proctor library.

D.         C. Johnson highlighted Cuban musician at La Peña on Sept. 19. Dave Welsh holding CD release party on Sept. 22, and Country Joe presenting world premiere of life of Country Joe.

7.         Chair’s report (M. Wilkinson)

Chair Wilkinson said she had been out of town a lot and offered her apology for missed email. Reminded board that it needed to discuss national election supervisor’s memo regarding member waivers. Also reminded the board that the CAB would be reporting on the need to appoint new members to that body.

8.         Interim general manager report (A. Phillips)

See iGM.

9.         Treasurer’s report (B. Whipperman)

Presented history of what has happened with KPFA budget. TR2 shows projections of fundraising days and projected allocations. These figures affect figures elsewhere in budget.

TR1 begins with budget as presented to board on Aug. 4 and tracks changes made by national finance committee and revisions by station staff. Greatest changes to budget occurred with projections of revenue, which were cut by $200k. Business manager Maria Negret explained that all of fund drive estimates were made through discussions with Andrew Phillips, Phil Osegueda, and Chris Stehlik, all very knowledgeable. Column I is the final result of all revisions. Full explanation of TR1 begins at 31:30 of part 2 of audio file.

10.        Committee reports

A.         Audit (M. Wilkinson)

Meeting to select new auditor on principle that it’s good to change auditors once in a while. Looking for Bay Area auditor. Search subcommittee is headed by Aki Tanaka.

B.         Technology (J. Kobren)

Has been functioning as a task force. Looking at mobile apps. KPFA is no longer listed on iTunes, though WBAI and KPFK are. Also looking at replacing finance and membership software, which currently aren’t integrated. Want to conduct survey of stations regarding software. Interested in website interactivity, e.g. chat rooms, comment forums during programs, although that raises question of forum moderation. H. Norr noted that KPFA home page lists apps including iPhone public radio app, but that app doesn’t list KPFA and searches yield only a few KPFA programs.

C.         Affiliates (A. Prichett)

Affiliates task force looking at Portal Project via Pacifica network. Receiving $7500 in seed money from Wisconsin coop and developing project in connecting with Pacfica development. Also looking at creating database to aid affiliates’ management. Favors survey of stations to determine what Portal Project can do for them. A. Phillips added that the project comes out the affiliate director’s office. We currently don’t have data streams interacting and a way of integrating affiliates via web presence would be good. We need a business plan.

D.         Personnel (T. Rosenberg)

Revising ED and CFO job descriptions and developed timeline for candidate search. Rewrote confidentiality policy.

E.         Finance (T. Rosenberg)

Has worked though WBAI, KPFT, KPFA budgets. Others are still under review.

F.         Coordinating (T. Rosenberg)

No report.

G.         Elections (T. Rosenberg)

Elections schedule has been moved back.

H.         Governance (T. Rosenberg)

Passed motion encouraging unionization at KPFT. Reviewing bylaws that would reduce size of PNB and LSBs.

I.          Staff

1.         CWA (L. Prives)

No report.

2.         UPSO (A. Fest)

Making progress toward UPSO election. Reported on lists of eligible voters. Has consulted with department heads regarding eligible staff. List is in third draft. Hopes to put ballots in mail in about a week. S. Aghamir reported that there have not yet been any challenges to list of eligible staff.

J.          Outreach (Joy Moore)

This is Outreach Committee’s third year. They are working without technology but have managed to raise a few thousand dollars. Reaching out to larger community, including bureau in Rossmoor, and have expanded membership. Successful party in spring. Committee has problem with web presence. Always covering KPFA events and expanding to community events such as UC Berkeley and Alameda Co. labor council events. Instrumental in getting Labor Day programming. Will be at Solano Stroll. Asking for phone extension and mailbox at station.

11.        KFCF report (R. Withers)

Not much going on. Developing funding for equipment, such as backup transmitter, which is 35 years old. Caroline Casey banquet Oct. 14.

12.        Old business

A.  Community Advisory Board (Mary Prophet)

Thanked LSB for support. Last CAB meeting was in Oakland by West Oakland BART station. This location chosen to bring in community members who don’t usually participate. Site was not wheelchair accessible, unfortunately. CAB survey is slow getting numbers. They now have one on-air cart for outreach. CAB has lost one member and will need to find new members.

Moved (M. Wilkinson) to set up 2×2 committee (2 CAB members, 2 LSB members) to work on outreach. Approved without objection.

Moved (A. Fest) to table solicitation of volunteers to October LSB meeting. Approved without objection.

13.        New business

A.         Membership fee waivers

Moved (J. Kurzweil) to delay consideration of procedure until 2013. Approved without objection.

Adjourned 4:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Craig Alderson
LSB Secretary

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