July 2012 LSB Meeting Records


KPFA 2011 Local Station Board
Regular in-person meeting,
July 7, 2012, 11am-4pm
Berkeley Community Church
Fairview St., Berkeley, CA

Note: An audio archive of this meeting is available at www.kpftx.org/archive.php

Mal Burnstein, Pamela Drake, Anthony Fest, Sasha Futran, Donald Goldmacher*, Janet Kobren, Jack Kurzweil, Laura Prives, Tracy Rosenberg, Dan Siegel, Franklin Sterling, Akio Tanaka, Kate Tanaka, Margy Wilkinson, Rych Withers; Craig Alderson (secretary), Barbara Whipperman (treasurer).

*Arrived after roll call.

1.         Call to order
Meeting called to order by chair M. Wilkinson at 11:08 am.

2.         Roll call and excusing of members
Moved (M. Burnstein) to excuse S. Aghamir, D. Gans, C. Hallinan, M. Hallinan, H. Norr, T. Russell, L. Sawyer, A. Turner. Approved without objection. [See item 12.A for additional excusals.]

3.         Approve agenda
Moved (M. Burnstein) to adopt as corrected. Approved without objection.

Moved (M. Burnstein) for three-minute time limit on speakers. Approved: 7Y, 5N.

4.         Minutes
Moved to adopt minutes of June 2, 2012, meeting, as drafted. Approved without objection.

5.         Public comments
No members of the public were present. Chair Wilkinson stated that if members subsequently showed up, she would ask the board to interrupt the agenda to allow them to speak.

6.         Announcements

A.         J. Kobren reported that Occupy the Farm is back. Information is at occupythefarm.org. Occupy Bay Area United is organizing a general assembly for the East Bay.

B.         F. Sterling announced that the case against him has been dismissed. The apprenticeship program is about to launch with new recruits. On August 4, 9am-2pm, all apprentices will host a parking lot sale in the KPFA parking lot.

7.         Chair’s report (M. Wilkinson)

The chair reported on meetings she and the vice chair had had with the executive director. See attached.

8.         Interim general manager report (A. Phillips)

See attached.

9.         Treasurer’s report (B. Whipperman)

B. Whipperman said that the business manager has been having big problems in preparing figures for the budget due to discrepancies in reports between the national office and the station. Because the budget template is so complicated, making one correction has cascade effect in other columns. The difficulties meant that a tentative budget was not ready for the meeting, and the treasurer said the board would need to have a special meeting prior to the next scheduled board meeting to review the figures. Whipperman said her impression on the cuts in Pacifica is that they were intended for this fiscal year only and not to extend into next fiscal year.

TR1 shows that we received $100k less than budgeted. However, at 8 months into the current fiscal year, we have a surplus of $229,812. If the depreciation set-aside required by the national office is included, the surplus is $305,754. Cash balance as of June 30 was $78,420, with $11,018 payable. A lot of payment activity has occurred since the end of June, including $27k for legal services.

Business manager believes that figure of $300k being proposed as KPFA’s cut comes from unreconciled accounts between KPFA and national office. CFO says those accounts have been reconciled, but was presented were only totals of what stations owed and were owed, without explanation of what these sums represent. Treasurer read a list of short-term and long-term amounts owed by or to KPFA from other stations and the national office. If all debts are balanced, KFPA is owed $997,321. Recommended amounts of cuts come from CFO figures, but there is lack of detail for expenses we’ve been charged. Whipperman does not believe these are reliable figures and we need to analyze and investigate further before we accept charges and incorporate into budget.

Business manager and treasurer are heading toward a budget that is pretty much the same as current fiscal year’s. Whipperman will notify board members of possible meeting times to review proposed budget.

10.        Public comments (reopened)

Nicholas Roberts

11.        Committee reports

A.         PNB (L. Prives, D. Siegel)
PNB meeting begins July 20, with station reception that evening. PNB has voted to postpone elections by 6 weeks. Board spent hours adopting changes in election procedures, including a debate about online elections.

B.         Development
No report.

C.         Personnel
No report.

D.         Outreach
No report.

E.         Technology (J. Kobren)
Met June 19. Primary topic was a possible change to teleconferencing service to increase features and decrease cost. Next meeting is July 17.

F.      Staff

1.         CWA (L. Prives)

Staff is pretty concerned about possible cuts.

2.         UPSO (A. Fest)

Meeting two and a half weeks ago. 8 candidates for 5 seats on UPSO council. Election is this coming week.

12.        KFCF report (R. Withers)

See attached.

11.        Old business

  1. Town Hall (M. Wilkinson)

Committee hasn’t met yet. Wilkinson will ask C. Johnson to take responsibility for organizing a meeting.

12.        New business

A.         Community Advisory Board

M. Wilkinson reported that the chair of the CAB had contacted her about the need for appointing new members to the CAB. Wilkinson distributed a Dec. 2009 PNB resolution on policy for CAB and pointed out that the LSB is responsible for appointing the CAB. Wilkinson proposed to defer item to August agenda to allow board time to study resolution; no objection.

In separate motions, moved (A. Tanaka) to excuse A. Prichett, and moved (J. Kobren) to excuse C. Johnson. Both approved without objection.

Adjourned 1:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Craig Alderson
LSB Secretary

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