KPFA Local Station Board
Regular in-person meeting, January 11, 2014, 11am-4pm
North Berkeley Senior Center
1901 Hearst Ave., Berkeley, CA
Note: An audio archive of this meeting is available at www.kpftx.org/archive.php
Present: Craig Alderson, Tina Bachemin, Mal Burnstein, Paula Erkkila, José Luis Fuentes, Donald Goldmacher, Kate Gowen, Cynthia Johnson, Janet Kobren, Jack Kurzweil, Joy Moore, Samsarah Morgan, Andrea Prichett, Mel Sanders, Lewis Sawyer, Franklin Sterling, Ramsés Teón-Nichols, Carole Travis, David Welsh, Barbara Whipperman, Burton White, Margy Wilkinson.
*Arrived after roll call.
Absent: Brian Edwards-Tiekert, David Gans, Mark Hernandez.
1. Call to order
Meeting called to order by chair C. Travis at 11:13 am. Chair Travis announced that because Dan Siegel was a candidate in the Oakland mayoral race he was no longer eligible to be on the board and would be replaced by Kate Gowen. Chair welcomed Gowen to board.
2. Roll call and excusing of members
Moved (C. Alderson) to excuse the three absent members. Approved without objection.
3. Approve agenda
Moved (M. Burnstein) to approve agenda. Approved without objection. C. Travis ruled that approval was with respect to first part of agenda and that agenda following election of directors would be considered after reconvening as LSB.
4. Minutes
B. White moved to adopt minutes of December 14, 2013, meeting as corrected. Approved without objection.
5. Public comments
Public comments begin at 21:45, part 1, of audio recording. Miguel Molina, Dennis Bernstein, Tony Gonsalez, Daniel Borgstrom
6. Adjourn as Local Station Board
Moved (B. White) to adjourn as local station board. Approved without objection.
7. Call to order as Delegate Assembly
Delegate Assembly called to order at 11:50 am. Moved (L. Sawyer) to approve agenda for this portion of meeting. Approved without objection.
8. Confirmation of nominations
Declining nomination: C. Alderson, M. Burnstein, D. Gans, D. Goldmacher, M. Hernandez, C. Johnson, J. Kurzweil, J. Moore, A. Prichett, C. Travis.
Accepting nomination: B. Edwards-Tiekert, J. Luis Fuentes, J. Kobren, L. Sawyer, F. Sterling, R. Teon-Nichols, B. White, M. Wilkinson.
Nominated, ineligible: S. Morgan, D. Siegel, B. Whipperman.
9. Election of Directors
Listener class: J. Kobren (8 votes), M. Wilkinson (7), J. Luis Fuentes (6). Staff class: B. Edwards-Tiekert (13).
10. Adjourn as Delegate Assembly
Moved (A. Prichett) to adjourn Delegate Assembly. Approved without objection.
11. Reconvene as Local Station Board
Reconvened at 12:38 pm.
12. Review of agenda
Moved (A. Prichett) to add announcements as 12.A. Approved without objection.
Moved (F. Sterling) to add item “Program changes” to follow iGM report as item 13.A. Approved on voice vote; 1 opposed.
Item 16.A “Pacifica Archives (2 resolutions)” withdrawn by author B. Whipperman.
Moved (D. Welsh) to add as new business 1) item “Program council” and 2) request to ask Pacifica executive director to come to LSB.
Agenda as amended approved on voice vote; 1 opposed.
12.A Announcements
F. Sterling: Apprentice Program accepting applications for group #40. Deadline is Mar. 14; information at kpfaapprentice.org and on Facebook at First Voice Media. Flyers available at station for distribution.
A. Prichett: Continuing with outreach in San Jose. Meeting scheduled for Jan. 16 at station. San Jose Peace and Justice Center reserved Feb. 18 for meeting with groups and individuals in area. Board members invited to attend.
J. Kobren: Legislation in Congress to fast track Tran-Pacific Partnership trade agreement. Urges people to lobby legislators to vote against effort. Action in Bay Area scheduled for Jan. 31.
P. Erkkila: House of Ramón Cairo in Sonoma County raided. La Onda Bajita’s Luis Gutierrez’s house also raided. Connected to Andy Lopez case and out-of-control sheriff’s department in unincorporated areas of county.
13. iGM report (R. Pirodsky)
See attached.
Moved (T. Bachemin) to limit discussion to 20 minutes. Substitute motion (D. Welsh) to limit to 30 minutes. Approved on voice vote, 1 opposed.
13.A Discussion of programming changes
UPSO council representative Clay Leander read into record letter from UPSO (attached). On motion from chair Travis, three speakers at three minutes each allowed, then discussion ended. Approved without objection.
14. Treasurer’s report (B. Whipperman)
Bank balance: accounts payable has zero balance; all paid to date. Payroll of $65k will come due soon, but money has been allocated. $110k in bank as of 1/10/14.
TR1 printed 1/7/14 and is incomplete. Some income received but has not yet been entered. Fulfillment rate changes over time. CPB pays attention to listener support during fund drives. Fund drive includes all income received via web as listener support. TR2 shows web income received after fund drive. Income received up to one week after drive close is counted toward fund drive. After one week it is classified as web income.
15. KFCF report (M. Sanders)
First board meeting is next week; fundraising is primary issue. Looking for ideas of their own to strengthen finances. Bulk of KFCF fundraising comes via KPFA; they’re looking to plug gaps caused by that arrangement. KFCF budget is approximately $70k.
16. Old business
A. Development
B. Whipperman made presentation of ideas generated in fundraising brainstorm sessions in 2013. Asked board to use template to evaluate ideas. See attached.
Scheduling of February 8 meeting was raised as it conflicted with in-person PNB meeting. Straw vote showed insufficient support for proposal and meeting was not cancelled or postponed.
B. IT efficient audit (J. Moore)
Withdrawn by author.
C. Pacifica Archives (B. Whipperman)
Withdrawn by author.
D. Addressing racism at KPFA (A. Prichett)
S. Morgan reported on board subcommittee convened to look into questions of racism within the station. She and former member Dan Siegel had met only once, and further work was suspended once Pacifica-initiated workplace investigation began. M. Wilkinson volunteered to work with S. Morgan to plan town hall meeting.
There was discussion about the issue and board members made several proposals and motions; however, no formal votes or decisions were made. Several members spoke in support of continued education on the issue, including viewing of the movie “Cracking the Codes,” and of public discussion over KPFA’s role vis-a-vis communities of color.
Adjourned 4:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Craig Alderson
LSB Secretary