January 2013 LSB Meeting Records

KPFA Local Station Board
Regular in-person meeting, January 12, 2013, 11am-4pm
North Berkeley Senior Center
1901 Hearst Ave., Berkeley, CA

Note: An audio archive of this meeting is available at www.kpftx.org/archive.php

Present: Mal Burnstein, Pamela Drake, Anthony Fest, Sasha Futran, David Gans, Donald Goldmacher,  Conn Hallinan, Matthew Hallinan, Cynthia Johnson, Janet Kobren, Jack Kurzweil, Henry Norr, Andrea Prichett, Laura Prives, Tracy Rosenberg, Lewis Sawyer, Franklin Sterling, Akio Tanaka, Andrea Turner, Margy Wilkinson, Rych Withers; Craig Alderson (secretary), Barbara Whipperman (treasurer).

Absent: Shahram Aghamir, Tanya Russell, Dan Siegel, Kate Tanaka.

1.         Call to order

Meeting called to order by chair M. Wilkinson at 11:06 am.

2.         Roll call and excusing of members

Moved (D. Gans) to excuse T. Russell. Approved without objection.

3.         Approve agenda

Moved (M. Wilkinson) to move item 5 (installation of newly elected members) to beginning of agenda of incoming LSB. Approved without objection.

Moved (A. Turner) to adopt agenda as amended. Approved without objection.

4.         Minutes

Moved (R. Withers) to approve October 6, 2012, minutes. Approved without objection.

Moved (M. Burnstein) to approve December 1, 2012, minutes. Approved without objection.

5.         Adjournment of outgoing LSB

Chair thanked outgoing LSB members for their service. Chair noted that new LSB would be electing PNB representatives but they would not be installed until in-person PNB meeting, Feb. 22-24. Current PNB representatives would continue to serve until then.

Outgoing LSB adjourned.


1.         Installation of newly elected members

M. Wilkinson welcomed and introduced incoming LSB members. Newly elected: M. Hernandez, B. Edwards-Tiekert, J.L. Fuentes, J. Moore, B. White, L. Shoup, C. Travis. Re-elected: F. Sterling, A. Prichett, D. Siegel.

2.         Election of pro-tem chair

Nominated: C. Alderson, A. Prichett. Elected: C. Alderson (C. Alderson 12, A. Prichett 7).

3.         Election of LSB officers

A.         Chair: B. White (B. White 15, A. Prichett 8).

B.         Vice chair: C. Travis (C. Travis 15, J. Kobren 8)

C.         Secretary: C. Alderson (C. Alderson 16, C. Johnson 7)

D.         Treasurer: listener-member Barbara Whipperman (B. Whipperman 17, L. Shoup 6)

4.         Roll call and excusing of members

Present: Shahram Aghamir, Craig Alderson, Mal Burnstein, Brian Edwards-Tiekert, José Luis Fuentes, David Gans, Donald Goldmacher,  Matthew Hallinan, Mark Hernandez, Cynthia Johnson, Janet Kobren, Jack Kurzweil, Joy Moore, Andrea Prichett, Tracy Rosenberg, Lewis Sawyer, Laurence Shoup, Dan Siegel, Franklin Sterling, Ramsés Teón-Nichols*, Carole Travis, Burton White, Margy Wilkinson, Rych Withers, Barbara Whipperman (treasurer).

*Arrived after roll call.

Absent: Tanya Russell

Moved (C. Alderson) to excuse T. Russell. Approved: 16Y, 1N, 4A.

5.         Approve agenda

Moved (T. Rosenberg) to defer item #10 (Elections to PNB committees) to next meeting. Approved without objection.

Moved (M. Burnstein) to approve agenda as amended. Approved without objection.

6.         Public comments

Roger Marquis, Virginia Browning, Daniel Borgstrom.

7.         Announcements

A.         D. Siegel announced that NUHW has kicked off its campaign for representation of Kaiser workers. NUHW has affiliated with CNA.

B.         F. Sterling thanked all who participated in memorial for La Brava, Norma Mireau. He commemorated her for her KPFA work, including La Onda Bajita and many other programs.

C.         D. Gans said he has started an informal campaign to upgrade computers. He has posted a fundraising call on his blog and has raised $900 of $1800 needed. Urged people to visit his or KPFA’s pages and pledge support.

D.         L. Shoup announced a Labor Exchange tour of 3 South American labor leaders, March 5-6.

E.         B. Whipperman reminded board members to clear special fundraising campaigns with business manager so they can be properly accounted for.

F.         J. Moore reminded members that the Outreach Committee was to meet Jan. 30, 7pm, at KPFA. Also, the Apprenticeship Program is starting a new round of accepting applications.

G.         M. Wilkinson commemorated Jon Fromer, who passed away. There will be many tributes to him at the upcoming Western Workers Labor Heritage Festival over the MLK holiday weekend.

8.         Adjourn as LSB, reconvene as Delegate Assembly

Moved (J. Kobren) to adjourn LSB and reconvene as Delegate Assembly. Approved without objection.


9.         Election of PNB representatives

Nominations for representatives to PNB received as of 12/31/12:

Accepting nomination: B. Edwards-Tiekert (S), M. Hernandez (L), J. Kobren (L), J. Moore (S), T. Rosenberg (L), D. Siegel (L), M. Wilkinson (L).

Declining nomination: S. Aghamir (S), M. Burnstein (L), D. Goldmacher (L), M. Hallinan (L), C. Johnson (L), J. Kurzweil (L), A. Prichett (L), T. Russell (L), F. Sterling (S).

Results: T. Rosenberg (8), M. Wilkinson (7), D. Siegel (7), B. Edwards-Tiekert (14)

10.        Adjourn as Delegate Assembly, reconvene as Local Station Board

Moved (C. Travis) to adjourn as Delegate Assembly and reconvene as Local Station Board. Approved without objection.


11.        Chair’s report (M. Wilkinson, B. White)

Outgoing chair M. Wilkinson thanked board, called for finding alternative ways of fundraising, and urged everyone to work together to build audience and deal with pressing problems. Incoming chair B. White promised to conduct meetings to build consensus, seek constructive results from differences of opinion, help KPFA heal, retake lost ground, and become better.

12.        Interim general manager report (A. Phillips)

See attached.

13.        Treasurer report (B. Whipperman)

We haven’t had monthly statements since changes in Pacifica national office. Much work has been done to fix accounting errors. Biggest task now is to prepare to audit on Jan. 22. TR1 shows miscellaneous financial information. Right-hand column shows cash balance, including first distribution of CPB funds. Payroll expenses are included in cash balance. A/P figure is about to be paid. Statement doesn’t include all expenses, but this is what business manager had as of meeting time. KPFA will be billed back by PNO for many items, including elections.

TR2 comes from KPFA database manager. Shows what was raised in December fund drive. (“Acquisitions” = new subscribers; “rejoins” = lapsed subscribers renewing).

14.        Committee reports

No reports.

15.        KFCF report (R. Withers)

Not many new events. New phone system is working and will stabilize costs. New equipment being installed. One of KFCF founders and a major KFCF activist, Randy Stover, passed away Dec. 27.

16.        New business

A.         PNB committee membership

D. Siegel will introduce resolution for February meeting regarding how PNB selects its members for committees.

B.         Development discussion

Members made proposals for ways to proceed on development. Several motions were made but were not voted upon, and are only noted here for the record. Moved (J. Moore) to ask management include members of LSB task force in their in-house development committee. Also moved (J. Moore) to request bids from nonprofit management centers to conduct an efficiency IT audit. Moved (J. Kobren) to allocate time at the next meeting to brainstorm on development by suspending rules and acting as committee of the whole, and allowing public comment. Moved (M. Hernandez) to refer development question to committee of the whole at next meeting for one hour to develop terms for holding town hall meeting around this issue.

A. Phillips reminded the board that he said in his report that Goalbusters has been wanting to meet with the board.

After further discussion, chair proposed that board meet with Goalbusters as soon as possible, preferably at the next board meeting or the one after that, asked A. Phillips to arrange that meeting with Goalbusters to which A. Phillips agreed, and that after that meeting the board take up J. Kobren’s suggestion for brainstorming. There was general agreement on this suggestion.

C.         Meeting schedule

Moved (M. Wilkinson) to meet on Feb. 9. She will bring proposal then for meeting dates for remainder of year. Approved without objection.

Adjourned 3:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Craig Alderson
LSB Secretary

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