January 2012 LSB Meeting Records

KPFA 2011 Local Station Board
Regular in-person meeting,
January 7, 2012, 11am-4pm
Berkeley Senior Center, 1901 Hearst Ave., Berkeley CA

 Note: An audio archive of this meeting is available at www.kpftx.org/archive.php

Shahram Aghamir*, Mal Burnstein, Pamela Drake*, Anthony Fest*, Sasha Futran*, David Gans, Donald Goldmacher, Conn Hallinan, Matthew Hallinan, Cynthia Johnson, Jack Kurzweil*, Henry Norr, Andrea Prichett, Laura Prives, Tracy Rosenberg, Tanya Russell, Lewis Sawyer, Dan Siegel, Franklin Sterling, Akio Tanaka, Kate Tanaka, Andrea Turner, Margy Wilkinson, Rych Withers; Barbara Whipperman (treasurer), Craig Alderson (secretary), Andrew Phillips (ex-officio)

*Arrived after roll call.

1.         Call to order
Meeting called to order by chair M. Wilkinson at 11:03 am.

2.         Roll call and excusing of members
Moved (M. Burnstein) to excuse H. Kim. Approved without objection.

3.         Approve agenda
Agenda approved as amended without objection.

Moved (M. Burnstein) that speakers be limited to two minutes each. Approved: 13Y, 8N

4.         Minutes
Minutes were not ready for review at this meeting.

5.         Announcements
a.         C. Johnson commended David Gans, Mitch Jeserich, Andrew Phillips for being supportive of Yvette Hochberg event. Also announced January 11 national day of action against Guantanamo.

b.         F. Sterling also mentioned Yvette Hochberg event.

c.         P. Drake noted Occupy the Courts action in San Francisco on Jan. 20 and that there would be an Occupy Oakland event in conjunction at federal building that morning.

d.         C. Johnson added that there would be a demonstration on Jan. 20 at 6:30 am at Bank of America, 555 California St.

6.         Public comments (in order of speakers)
Joy Moore, Vivian Warkentin, Les Radke, Janet Kobren, Virginia Browning, Daniel Borgstrom

Moved (M. Burnstein) to adjourn as LSB and reconvene as Delegate Assembly. Approved without objection.

7.         Election of Pacifica National Board directors

 A.         Confirmation of nominations received as of 12/31/11
Staff reps nominated. Accepting: A. Fest, L. Prives. Declining:S. Aghamir, F. Sterling

Listener reps nominated. Accepting: P. Drake, H. Kim, H. Norr, T. Rosenberg, D. Siegel, A. Turner. Declining: M. Burnstein, M. Hallinan, C. Johnson, A. Prichett, A. Tanaka, K. Tanaka

 B.         Candidate statements


C.         Election
Staff rep: L. Prives. Listener reps: A. Turner, T. Rosenberg, D. Siegel

Adjourned as Delegate Assembly and reconvened as LSB.

8.         Interim general manager report (A. Phillips)
See attached.

9.         Treasurer’s report (B. Whipperman)
Auditors are working with national office staff. November and December reports not completed yet. November meeting’s reports included LSB v. PNB comparisons and preliminary year-end reports, but those are still not final yet. Cash flow: as of 10/31/11, $403,314 in bank, $35,483 in bills to be paid. 11/30/11, $267,876 in bank. 12/31/11, approximately $415,000. As of 1/8/12, $8,800 in bills due.

Directors’ inspection in abeyance while national office undergoing audit. Will resume and report later on this.

Auditor will recommend changing accounting system. It’s a confusing, contorted system, full of potential for problems. Change will mean improvement. Only Crafts Fair expenses remaining to be paid are estimated at approximately $5,000. M. Wilkinson added that she is working with Jan Etre to come to the March meeting with a report on the Crafts Fair.

10.        Committee reports

A.          Pacifica National Board (T. Rosenberg, L. Prives, A. Turner)
Policy decisions being deferred to incoming board, including national programming council policy, committee meetings that don’t meet quorum, and protocols for general manager and program director searches. Audit is under way and preliminary numbers expected in January. Software switch and implementation of consistent file management system should aid in significant financial improvement. KPFK is considering solar canopy. KPFK is the most profitable station. Evaluations of executive director, chief financial officer are in process.

B.         Personnel (C. Hallinan)
Tentative meeting date of Jan. 18 solely for purpose of further interviews of general manager candidates.

C.         Outreach (A. Prichett)
No meeting in last month. Staffed table at Crafts Fair. Next Outreach Comm. Meeting Jan. 11, 7pm, 2022 Blake St. Committee does mostly tabling now. Trying to increase visibility. The committee has no money available but believes money is required to conduct more effective outreach.

M. Wilkinson volunteered to set up committee to develop protocols for time, place, and agenda for a town hall meeting. A. Prichett reminded board that Petaluma listeners have volunteered to host meeting and urged board to work with them.

Moved (L. Prives): The LSB ask the Outreach Committee for a town hall meeting proposal and report back to the board. Approved without objection.

D.         Technology (H. Norr)
No meetings in 2011

E.         Staff reports

a.         Paid staff (L. Prives)
No report.

b.         Unpaid staff (A. Fest)
Last unpaid staff meeting approximately 40 attended. Election committee formed to elect new council. There is no up-to-date list of unpaid staff. T. Rosenberg noted that there are about 215 unpaid staff at KPFA.

11.        KFCF (R. Withers) 
See attached.

12.        Old business

A.         Open discussion on programming
Moved (A. Turner) to suspend rules for 30 minutes for discussion. Approved without objection. Board engaged in roundtable discussion of purposes and philosophy of KPFA programming. The discussion begins at 1:22:50 of the audio file.

Board moved to closed session at 2:27. Adjourned 3:50pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Craig Alderson
LSB Secretary

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