February 2013 LSB Meeting Records

KPFA Local Station Board
Regular in-person meeting, February 9, 2013, 11am-4pm
Humanist Hall
390 27th St., Oakland, CA

[Note: The audio archive of this meeting is available at www.kpftx.org/archive.php. Also note that the audio didn’t get started until about a half hour into the meeting and part of the audio is missing from the “Old business” section of the agenda.]

Present: Shahram Aghamir*, Mal Burnstein, Brian Edwards-Tiekert, José Luis Fuentes, Donald Goldmacher*,  Matthew Hallinan, Mark Hernandez, Cynthia Johnson*, Janet Kobren, Jack Kurzweil, Joy Moore, Andrea Prichett, Tracy Rosenberg, Mel Sanders, Lewis Sawyer, Laurence Shoup, Dan Siegel, Franklin Sterling, Ramsés Teón-Nichols*, Barbara Whipperman, Burton White, Margy Wilkinson.
*Arrived after roll call.

Absent: Craig Alderson, David Gans, Carole Travis.

1.         Call to order

Meeting called to order by chair B. White at 11:05 am. Chair announces that C. Alderson had an emergency and asked J. Kobren to be LSB Secretary Pro Tem. J. Kobren accepted. No objections.

2.         Announcement

Chair B. White announces that Tanya Russell has resigned; Barbara Whipperman seated.

3.         Roll call and excusing of members

Moved (M. Wilkinson) to excuse C. Alderson, D. Gans, C. Travis. Approved without objection.

4.         Approve agenda

Moved (M. Wilkinson) to add “Members not in good standing” as item #4 under New Business. Approved without objection.

Moved (J. Moore) to add Board member introductions item before Announcement for benefit of new members. Approved without objection.

Requested (T. Rosenberg) that resolutions be attached to future agendas. No objections.

Moved (J. Kobren) to add Update on Brainstorming Development Project as item #3 under Old Business. Approved without objection.

Agenda as amended approved without objection.

5.         Minutes

Moved (J. Kobren) to add additions to Development discussion item emailed on Monday, February 4, 2013 at 12:30pm. Approved without objection. [Note: Turns out that the minutes J. Kobren had were an old version and the additions had already been made.]

Moved (M. Hernandez) to correct the name under item #15 from Randy Silver to Randy Stover. Approved without objection.

Moved (M. Wilkinson) to approve January 12, 2013, minutes with modifications. Approved as modified without objection.

6.         Public comments

Brian Geiser, Daniel Borgstrom, Stan Woods.

6.a.      Board member introductions

Board members went around the tables in order of seating and introduced themselves: J. Moore, F. Sterling, T. Rosenberg, M. Sanders, L. Shoup, B. Edwards-Tiekert, A. Prichett, L. Sawyer, M. Wilkinson, J. Kobren, B. White, B. Whipperman, D. Goldmacher, M. Hernandez, J. Kurzweil, M. Hallinan, M. Burnstein, D. Siegel, Shahram Aghamir, C Johnson, R. Teón-Nichols, J.L. Fuentes.

7.         Announcements

A.         F. Sterling announced that KPFA Apprenticeship Program applications deadline has been extended indefinitely. You can download an application at http://www.kpfaapprentice.org/ or call the station at 510-848-6767 ex. 235 to request an application, or stop by the station between regular business hours, M-F, 9-5 to pick one up.

B.         L. Shoup announced a Labor Exchange event on March 5 of three South American labor leaders from Venezuela, Brazil and Mexico, at the California Nurses Association Headquarters, 7:00pm, 2000 Franklin Street @ 20th St., Oakland (near 19th Street BART) and the speakers are available for radio interviews on March 6.

C.         B. Edwards-Tiekert reminded board members that the next KPFA fund drive will begin on Tuesday, February 12 until March 1. Phone room opens at 6:30am every morning; most short-handed in the early mornings and in the evenings after dinner hours.

D.         M. Wilkinson announced that the city of Berkeley school district that still has an arts program will display art by Berkeley public school children starting at 5:00pm today until March 15 at the Berkeley Arts Center in Live Oak Park, Berkeley.

8.         Chair’s report (B. White)

—          Outreach to UCR (those not members of SaveKPFA): everyone he talked to wanted to change from “duel to dual”;

—          Email and web matters:Secretary C. Alderson asked J. Kobren to agree to be co-owner of the KPFA LSB email lists and pick up on any backlogs on the LSB website pages and she agreed;

—          Request for motions –Chair solicited members of the LSB to work on letters of Commendation and Appreciation to Aharon Morris and Bob Baldock.

Moved (L. Shoup) that we have a discussion on the idea of whether the LSB should send letters of commendation and appreciation specifically to Aharon Morris and Bob Baldock. Point of Order (M. Hernandez) that the Chair holds the floor. After the Chair concluded his report, the motion is revisited. L. Shoup moves that we have a discussion on the issue of if we should send letters of commendation and appreciation to Aharon Morris and Bob Baldock; time limit – 5 minutes. Passed by a majority of hands raised as Ayes.

Moved (M. Wilkinson) to abandon this whole project. Passed by voice vote.

Chair makes a comment stating his intention that he:

    1. Was picking up on a recommendation from the iGM
    2. Will never draft anyone on the LSB to a committee but instead will ask for volunteers
    3. Will make sure from those volunteers that he has a cross-section of people on the board.

9.         Interim general manager report (A. Phillips)

See Attached.

Moved (A. Prichett) to extend the IGM report by 10 minutes. Fails: 9 for, 9 against.

10.        Treasurer report (B. Whipperman)

No handouts mainly because the National Office has not produced their reports. KPFA has been maintaining its responsibilities of maintaining and tracking finances but Business Manager Maria Negret felt uncomfortable providing a report without that information.

There have been difficulties with payrolls and some W-2s are wrong. There will be a new payroll company.

Cash as of February 8, 2013:

Bank balance of $295,000;

A/P in bills ready to be paid is $9,400

No big payroll hanging now.

Since October 1, 2012 (the beginning of this fiscal year) until now, KPFA has been able to provide the National Office with $145,000 of support (Central Services plus other support they need).

KPFA received its first CPB income grant of $102,477 transferred directly, with paperwork and audit trail, on January 2, 2013. The office is working on the annual report to the CPB.

The fundraising goal for the next fund drive is $750,000.

Appreciates the KPFA Business Manager and National staff but there is a lot of reconciliation to be done.

T. Rosenberg asks four questions:

    1. Were the amounts of the Fresno and L.A. donations off of the fundraising pledge totals?
    2. Asking again from last month what is the status of the funds sent to KFCF, why are they not showing up on an ongoing basis in the A/P and how much of a liability might there be?
    3. What was the part of the $195,000 amount that was specifically sent to Central Services as of the beginning of the fiscal year?
    4. What comes in from the Fresno zip code and is the fulfillment of KFCF’s portion a liability?

B. Whipperman responds saying the amount she reported for Central Services and other support was $145,000, not $195,000 and that Central Services were being paid.

T. Rosenberg responds that “we have raised approximately $900,000 since the beginning of the fiscal year so that would be the approximate 19% requirement.

B. Whipperman’s responds that some of the information is known as pledges/donations come in. We don’t know how much goes to Fresno.

B. Edwards-Tiekert says the Fresno money is just passed through to them.

L. Shoup mentioned that D. Siegel said we are in bad condition.

B. Whipperman responded that he was talking about the network, not KPFA.

J. Moore asked for a clarification of how much of the goal shows in the fund drive room.

B. Whipperman’s responds that it is not clear and we need a clearer picture of how much goes to Fresno.

11.        Committee reports

Outreach Committee: J. Moore reported that the committee meets once per month; at the last meeting there was discussion about how the OC can be involved with development and work with GoalBusters. A. Phillips responded saying he will set that up. The OC is tryiing to organize Community Forums and the first one will be one on labor issues with David Bacon and B. Edwards-Tiekert. OC is negotiating with M. Torres and A. Phillips re an accounting of money raised by OC that includes a responsible way of recording OC expenses. A. Pritchett asks that GoalBusters’ Development Plan be sent out to the LSB. M. Wilkinson responds that she will send it out.

PNB: D. Siegel reported that a 4-day PNB meeting will take place in NYC beginning February 22. The agenda is TBD. Some other matters he reports on as follows:

  1. PNB is working on a process for selection of CFO and ED;
  2. PNB close to finality for a new space for WPFW;
  3. There is a process going on in NYC to relocate WBAI from 120 Wall Street and a push to find a permanent space.

12.        KFCF report (M. Sanders)

No report available. M. Sanders apologizes for not having a report but will forward something to the Secretary [note that I do not have contact information M. Sanders so I cannot follow up on that].

13.        Old business

1.   Meeting Schedule

Moved (M. Wilkinson) that the KPFA LSB meet on the 2nd Saturday of each month with exceptions (amended by B. Edwards-Tiekert). See attached “Resolution on KPFA LSB meeting schedule for 2013.doc” for details. Amended resolution approved with no objections.

2.   PNB committee elections

Deadline for electing PNB committee members for Governance, Audit, and Elections committees is before the end of February.

Task Forces (Development, Programming, Technology, Affiliates) by volunteer basis.

Moved (B. Edwards-Tiekert) that all PNB committee members be elected on a pro-tem basis until the next LSB meeting and notice be given to the LSB non-attendees. Approved with no objections.

Pro-Tem Elections for KPFA LSB members of the PNB Committees (only two nominees were made for each committee and thus no voting was necessary):

Governance: M. Burnstein, S. Aghamir

Audit:    J. Kobren, D. Goldmacher

Elections: C. Johnson, M. Hernandez

T. Rosenberg offered to post to the email list a list of task forces for people to sign up for.

3.   Update on Brainstorming Development Project

Moved (M. Wilkinson) that LSB members hold a meeting with GoalBusters to discuss development.

Discussion with numerous board members including M. Wilkinson, B. Edwards-Tiekert  and J. Kobren making suggestions that led to A. Phillips saying that GoalBusters will be in Berkeley this coming week and inviting LSB members to attend a meeting with them at KPFA on Tuesday, February 12, 5:00-7:00pm.

Then, the M. Wilkinson motion “morphed” into an agreement, by consensus, that LSB members would try to attend the Tuesday meeting with GoalBusters, attempt to schedule a separate meeting with GoalBusters before the next LSB meeting, and inform the full LSB of the time and place of such a meeting.

Also agreed by consensus was that after such a meeting with GoalBusters takes place that the following would take place at the next LSB meeting:

  1. There be an agenda item for a report-back on the separate meeting with GoalBusters; and
  2. After that, at the same meeting, there be an agenda item set aside for a 1-hour session as a Committee of the Whole to “Brainstorm Development” that will include public comment.

 14.        New business

A.         Member database confidentiality

Moved (B. Edwards-Tiekert) that the KPFA LSB urges both station management and the Pacifica National Board establish a policy of not sharing membership data or web usage data with any partner organization who has not signed a non-disclosure agreement.

Motion approved with no objections.

B.         Resolution[s] on development

J. Moore submitted two resolutions via email on January 21, 2013 as follows:

  1. “The LSB directs management to include members of the LSB’s development task force committee in the in-house staff development committee.”
    1. Motion withdrawn by J. Moore during the February 9, 2013 LSB meeting
    2. “The LSB asks management to request bids from non-profit management centers to conduct an IT efficiency audit.”

Moved (B. Edwards-Tiekert) that the motion be postponed until next month in order to review the documents from Roger Marquis (Powerpoint plus Wiki content). Approved: 17 For, 0 Against, 3 Abstentions.

Moved (L. Sawyer) to adjourn. Fails.

C.         Resolution on PNB selection of committee members

Moved (D. Siegel) that “Resolved, the KPFA LSB hereby recommends that the PNB adopt a policy or practice whereby the PNB members from each station select that station’s members on PNB committees that include PNB members designated from each station” (submitted by Dan Siegel on January 12, 2013). Passed: 10 For, 6 Against, 2 Abstentions.

D.         Members not in good standing

[Note: Time ran out and meeting adjourned before this item could be addressed.]

 Adjourned 3:58 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Janet Kobren
LSB Secretary Pro Tem

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