KPFA Local Station Board
Regular in-person meeting, August 10, 2013, 11am-4pm
Redwood Gardens Community Room
2951 Derby St., Berkeley, CA
Note: An audio archive of this meeting is available at www.kpftx.org/archive.php
Present: Shahram Aghamir, Craig Alderson, Brian Edwards-Tiekert, Donald Goldmacher, Matthew Hallinan, Mark Hernandez, Cynthia Johnson, Janet Kobren, Jack Kurzweil, Joy Moore, Andrea Prichett*, Tracy Rosenberg, Mel Sanders, Lewis Sawyer, Dan Siegel*, Franklin Sterling, Carole Travis*, Barbara Whipperman, Burton White.
*Arrived after roll call.
Absent: Mal Burnstein, José Luis Fuentes, David Gans, Samsarah Morgan, Ramsés Teón-Nichols, Margy Wilkinson.
1. Call to order
Meeting called to order by chair B. White at 11:20 am.
2. Roll call and excusing of members
Moved (J. Moore) to excuse R. Teón-Nichols, S. Morgan, C. Travis, M. Burnstein, M. Wilkinson, D. Gans. Approved unanimously.
3. Approve agenda
Moved (B. Edwards-Tiekert) to treat listed start times as advisory only. Approved without objection.
Moved by chair to move 10.A (Election of members to committee of inclusion) to 10.G. Approved without objection.
Moved (B. Edwards-Tiekert) to adopt agenda as modified. Approved without objection.
4. Minutes
Moved (L. Sawyer) to approve July 13, 2013, minutes as corrected. Approved without objection.
Moved (J. Moore) to approve July 27, 2013, minutes. Approved: 9Y (C. Alderson, B. Edwards-Tiekert, D. Goldmacher, M. Hallinan, M. Hernandez, J. Kurzweil, J. Moore, L. Sawyer, B. Whipperman); 6N (S. Aghamir, C. Johnson, J. Kobren, A. Prichett, T. Rosenberg, F. Sterling); 1A (M. Sanders).
Moved (D. Goldmacher) to approve July 30, 2013, minutes. Approved: 9Y (C. Alderson, B. Edwards-Tiekert, D. Goldmacher, M. Hallinan, M. Hernandez, J. Kurzweil, J. Moore, L. Sawyer, B. Whipperman); 4N (S. Aghamir, C. Johnson, J. Kobren, T. Rosenberg); 3A (A. Prichett, M. Sanders, F. Sterling).
5. Public comments
Adrienne Lauby, Andrew Phelps, Jancis Long, Micky Mayles, Carol Wolfley, Sara Blano, Lynn Orlando, Robynn Takayama, Virginia Browning, Daniel Borgstrom, Anita Johnson, Orca.
6. Announcements
A. J. Moore: Hosting “Edible City: a documentary” at Berkeley Historical Society, Sept. 22, 2-6pm.
B. B. Edwards-Tiekert: Fund drive exceeded goal by $9,000. Andrew Phillips is now program director at WBAI.
7. Interim GM report (R. Pirodsky)
Fund drive concluded about $2k short but after reminder carts were aired additional pledges came in, making drive successful. We will review what did and did not work. Workplace investigation is due to wrap up next week. iGM received 2009 report by Berkeley Group making recommendations for savings and efficiency in operations and will and forward to board. License renewal has been completed on time and filed. We’ll be notified by FCC within two weeks of any concerns. If none, renewal will be approved. KPFW’s renewal has been held up over complaints of violations.
KPFA, KPFB are separate stations per FCC. KPFA transmitter can now reach into areas previously reached only by KPFB. Proposes thinking of them as separate stations and using KPFB for training, to develop new programming, and for a second web stream. We could offer more to more people, and iGM asks permission to move forward on it. While programming is not a board function, iGM asks how we can refine programming to reach more listeners with better content. He wants to hear from board members about using program scheduling strategically.
Budget is blueprint of goals. What’s missing in KPFA budget process is evaluation of present condition and making specific goals for management. He asks for outline from board regarding specific goals and objectives, including direction from board to management on ways to fund them. This process should begin early, e.g., January. Biggest problem in this year’s budget is that we don’t have enough money. We need to be able to increase funding, and that means listenership. This budget should enable goals we want to achieve. If revenue is a concern, we should not cut items that lead to revenue; same with programming. Since budget will be revised by national finance committee, perhaps we shouldn’t spend too much time tinkering.
It would be good to have marketing director. Full-time director is very expensive, but that’s what GoalBusters is doing right now. In Fall 2014 we’ll have infrastructure and revenue to get going. Once program director and development director are in place, volunteer coordinator position would be phased out. Underwriting would generate more money so station could do what it wants. Comprehensive campaign could be very helpful. Fund drive coordinator could be great help.
8. Treasurer’s report (B. Whipperman)
TR1 shows assumptions used in formulating budget. TR2 and TR3 are partial copies of budget documents distributed in previous meetings. There have been no changes to the budget.
Budget reflects eight hours added to position of technical director of Apprentice Program, for a total of 12 hours per week. TR4 is proposed job description of fund drive coordinator/program volunteer position. This was proposed initially as full-time but was revised down to 75%. Proposal by iGM to buy Arbitrons was turned down for lack of funds, as was proposed $16k for station promotion. Producer hours increased equal to 55% FTE. These hours not to be assigned to individuals but to go to programs needing help.
Moved (B. Edwards-Tiekert): “Approve the budget, with the proviso that station management add $5000 to account #6571 to pay for unpaid staff to participate in training and conferences with the prior approval of their manager or department head.”
Moved amendment (J. Kobren): “a) An additional $5,000 or $6,000 be allotted for assorted work-related and emergency expenses for up to a maximum of $200/person for unpaid staff (their status as defined by the bylaws, i.e. volunteering more than 30 hours in the past 3 months exclusive of phone room hours, or being certified by a recognized unpaid staff organization); b) Written guidelines for how the funds could be used would be developed by management and UPSO regarding how this money would be administered in a way that enhances KPFA and the unpaid staff; c) that management provide training for unpaid staff as to what reimbursable expenses are available to them and how to apply for such reimbursement.”
Moved (L. Sawyer) to close debate. Failed: 9Y, 6N. Amendment failed by voice vote.
Moved (J. Kurzweil): “Amend the main motion to include recommendation that additional funding for the First Voice Apprenticeship Program be madeto the Treasurer and management.” Approved: 15Y (C. Alderson, B. Edwards-Tiekert, M. Hallinan, M. Hernandez, C. Johnson, J. Kobren, J. Kurzweil, J. Moore, T. Rosenberg, M. Sanders, L. Sawyer, D. Siegel, F. Sterling, B. Whipperman, B. White); 0N; 1A (A. Prichett,).
Main motion as amended: Approved: 12Y (C. Alderson, B. Edwards-Tiekert, M. Hallinan, M. Hernandez, J. Kurzweil, J. Moore, M. Sanders, L. Sawyer, D. Siegel, F. Sterling, B. Whipperman, B. White); 1N (T. Rosenberg); 3A (C. Johnson, J. Kobren, A. Prichett,).
9. KFCF (M. Sanders)
Two new members have filled vacancies on board. Brian Edwards-Tiekert event is scheduled for this fall. KFCF needs money and is waiting on Pacifica for payment.
Adjourned 3:55pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Craig Alderson
LSB Secretary