April 2012 LSB Meeting Records

KPFA 2011 Local Station Board
Regular in-person meeting,
April 7, 2012, 11am-4pm
Berkeley Senior Center
Hearst Ave., Berkeley, CA

Note: An audio archive of this meeting is available at www.kpftx.org/archive.php

Anthony Fest, Sasha Futran, David Gans, Conn Hallinan, Matthew Hallinan, Cynthia Johnson, Janet Kobren, Jack Kurzweil, Henry Norr, Laura Prives, Tracy Rosenberg, Lewis Sawyer, Franklin Sterling, Akio Tanaka, Andrea Turner, Margy Wilkinson, Rych Withers; Craig Alderson (secretary), Barbara Whipperman (treasurer).

*Arrived after roll call.

1.         Call to order
Meeting called to order by chair M. Wilkinson at 11:30 am.

2.         Roll call and excusing of members
Moved (D. Gans) to excuse S. Aghamir, M. Burnstein, P. Drake, D. Gans, D. Goldmacher. M. Hallinan, A. Prichett, T. Russell, D. Siegel, K. Tanaka. Approved without objection.

3.         Approve agenda
Moved (A. Turner) to adopt agenda as drafted. Approved without objection.

4.         Minutes
Moved (L. Sawyer) to adopt minutes of March 3, 2012, meeting, as corrected. Approved: 9Y, 6N.

5.         Public comments (in order of speakers)
Paula Erkkila

6.         Announcements
A.         F. Sterling reported that the Iraq Veterans Against the War event was a success. The Apprenticeship Program will host a community open house from 10am to noon, with a two-hour live broadcast. His trial is scheduled to begin on April 16 and to last for 1-2 weeks. There is a “Frank Sterling solidarity” Facebook page.

B.         L. Prives said the next fund drive will be pushed back to May 2 since May 1 is a big day of action. The drive will last until May 23 or May 24.

7.         Interim general manager report (A. Phillips)
See attached.

8.         Treasurer’s report (B. Whipperman)
TR1 provides more information on last fiscal year and first four months of this fiscal year. “Retained funds” are revenues received by national office, attributable to KPFA, and retained by national office and credited to KPFA. $244k in January 2012 includes $100k bequest made to KPFA and retained by Pacifica.

Business manager is currently trying to analyze accounts and expenses for IT. Treasurer explained details of TR1. We are a little over on salary. Head count report is currently circulating among national finance committee. Reports numbers of individuals paid at every station and numbers of full-time equivalents (FTE). Business manager maintains her own figures for payroll purposes and her records for KPFA do not agree with national office’s. Her figures show KPFA head count at 50 and FTE at 28. We need to investigate discrepancy. Clear that KPFA met budget cuts by reducing hours rather than staff.

No indication yet on how reduced sum allocated by national board will be applied locally.

TR2 is a record of property taxes and payments, responding to concerns raised by some board members.

9.         Old business

A.         Town Hall meeting (M. Wilkinson)
A committee has volunteered to work on this but there hasn’t been a meeting yet. Committee is M. Wilkinson, A. Prichett, L. Prives. Asked for ideas from board and for any additional volunteers.

10.        New business

A.         LSB representation
J. Kurzweil was elected to national elections committee, but that committee meets Tuesdays and Kurzweil can’t make Tuesdays. S. Futran volunteered to replace him. No objections.

B.         Resolution on Jackson-Lewis
Resolution moved by C. Hallinan. L. Sawyer moved to close debate. Failed: 4Y, 8N.

Amendment moved (J. Kobren) to strike “resolved” clauses 2 and 3 and replace first resolved clause following “Pacifica executive director to…” with “wind down all relationships with Jackson-Lewis as quickly as possible subject to prudent attention to the financial penalties of changing attorneys inongoing litigation.”

Moved (S. Futran) to close debate on amendment. Approved: 16Y, 0N. Amendment approved: 10Y (A. Fest, C. Johnson, J. Kobren, H. Norr, L. Prives, T. Rosenberg, L. Sawyer, F. Sterling, A. Tanaka, R. Withers); 7N (S. Futran, D. Gans, C. Hallinan, M. Hallinan, J. Kurzweil, A. Turner, M. Wilkinson).

On resolution as amended (attached), approved: 15Y (A. Fest, S. Futran, D. Gans, C. Hallinan, M. Hallinan, C. Johnson, J. Kobren, H. Norr, L. Prives, T. Rosenberg, L. Sawyer, F. Sterling, A. Tanaka, A. Turner, R. Withers); 0N, 2A (J. Kurzweil, M. Wilkinson).

11.        Committee reports

A.         PNB (L.Prives)
No report.

B.         Development (M. Wilkinson)
Hasn’t met.

C.         Personnel (C. Hallinan)
Turned over pool of three GM candidates to executive director two months ago and haven’t heard anything. Moved (S. Futran) resolution on GM hiring (attached). Approved: 10Y (S. Futran, D. Gans, C. Hallinan, M. Hallinan, J. Kurzweil, L. Prives, L. Sawyer, F. Sterling, A. Turner, R. Withers), 0N, 7A (A. Fest, C. Johnson, J. Kobren, H. Norr, T. Rosenberg, A. Tanaka, M. Wilkinson).

D.         Technology (J. Kobren)
Met March 20. Did not meet quorum but met anyway unofficially. First meeting in more than a year. Discussed operating only as task force. Next meeting Apr. 17. J. Kobren submitted proposals regarding disaster recovery and personnel account access – primarily technical documentation.

E.         Outreach
A. Prichett was not in attendance but provided minutes of the last Outreach Committee meeting (attached).

F.         Staff
1.         CWA (L. Prives)
Union staff is currently focused on Jackson Lewis issue. There’s been discussion with interim general manager regarding morning programming grid and its poor performance.

2.         UPSO (A. Fest)
Small UPSO meeting earlier in week. Big meeting last week. UPSO meeting covered elections for UPSO positions. Eight people attended.

12.        KFCF report (R. Withers)
See attached.

Adjourned 3:05pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Craig Alderson
LSB Secretary

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