May Day Coverage on KPFA

May Day events this year took place against a backdrop of the burgeoning COVID-19 crisis, a growing numbers of strikes and job actions, and deepening inequality. Here at KPFA, our various programs have been documenting the evolving social movements which have risen up to meet the new normal as well as how front line communities are responding with mutual aid. In case you missed any of our amazing May Day coverage, here’s a quick roundup with links to shows you can download and listen to as podcasts!

First up, UpFront brought us news of the strike at Amazon, Whole Foods and beyond, as well as the growing push for a rent strike. On El Show, Andrew Soto spoke with Josh Anijar, Executive Director of the Contra Costa County Central Labor Council to discuss how COVID-19 has impacted organized labor and working people in general. It’s Going Down brought us an interview with workers from Amazon, Shipt, Instacart, and Whole Foods, about why they are walking out on strike. The folks at Hard Knock Radio then talked with union members from the ILWU about how the labor movement is responding to COVID-19. Finally, Rising Up with Sonali featured updates and interviews on the rent strike.

On the streets, the bay area saw large scale actions on May Day, including massive car caravans in Oakland and San Francisco, the latter which ended in a housing occupation by Reclaim SF, that Upfront reported on. Car caravans also took place in Santa Cruz and Sacramento. For a look at rent strike organizing efforts in the bay area, check out this report from It’s Going Down.

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