

GAZA: The 51-Day War: Ruin & Resistance in Gaza

When: July 1, 2015

Where: First Congregational Church, 2345 Channing Way, Berkeley

20150701 20150701 America/Los_Angeles MAX BLUMENTHAL KPFA Radio 94.1FM presents: MAX BLUMENTHAL GAZA: The 51-Day War: Ruin & Resistance in Gaza Hosted by Philip Maldari July 1, Wednesday, 7:30 pm First Congregational Church, 2345 Channing Way, Berkeley $12 advance tickets: :: 800-838-3006 or Pegasus (3 sites) Moe’s, Walden Pond Bookstore, Diesel a Bookstore, Mrs. Dalloway’s Books   SF: Modern Times, $15 … Continued First Congregational Church, 2345 Channing Way, Berkeley Add to Calendar

KPFA Radio 94.1FM presents:
GAZA: The 51-Day War: Ruin & Resistance in Gaza
Hosted by Philip Maldari

Max-BlumenthalJuly 1, Wednesday, 7:30 pm
First Congregational Church, 2345 Channing Way, Berkeley
$12 advance tickets: :: 800-838-3006 or Pegasus (3 sites) Moe’s, Walden Pond Bookstore, Diesel a Bookstore, Mrs. Dalloway’s Books  
SF: Modern Times, $15 door
KPFA benefit

“Max Blumenthal audaciously takes in-your-face, on-the-ground journalism into the realm of geopolitics.”
—Juan Cole, author of The New Arabs  and Engaging the Muslim World

One year ago Israel launched air strikes on Gaza, followed by a ground invasion. The ensuing 51 days of this assault left more than 2200 people dead, the vast majority of whom were Palestinian civilians, including more than 500 children. 10,000 homes were destroyed. The United Nations has stated that 300, 000 Palestinians were displaced. Max Blumenthal was in Gaza throughout this catastrophe. In this explosive masterpiece of intimate reportage, he reveals the harrowing conditions and cynical deceptions that led to this ruinous ‘war’
and tells many of the human stories otherwise buried.

He brings Gaza to life and details the ferocious clashes when the Israeli military occupied this desperately poor strip of land.  He discloses the truth behind numerous Israeli claims and such contentious issues as the use of civilians as human shields by Israeli forces, the official targetting of Palestinian civilians and other war crimes of the Israeli armed forces. He carefully  examines the military doctrine responsible. He provides exceptionally moving testimonies from residents. The ravaged population of Gaza was left out in the cold, with no relief from the international community and inadequate coverage by mainstream media. Here at last is the truth of this globally condemned war.

“Max Blumenthal has spent the last decade transforming himself into one of  the most vital voices in journalism today, always speaking truth to power with fearlessness and integrity.”
— Reza Aslan, author of Zealot

Max Blumenthal is the author of Republican Gomorrah and Goliath. A senior writer for Alternet, his writings have also appeared in The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Nation, The Guardian,, and many others.
Philip Maldari is the veteran host of KPFA’s Sunday Morning Show.


15 responses to “MAX BLUMENTHAL

  1. Max Blumenthal provides biased, one-sided, bigoted anti-Israel propaganda with a clear agenda to demonize Israel in EVERY SINGLE SENTENCE he utters about that country.

    To bring him on as a guest sends a clear message that listeners/attendeees are not respected, and are intentionally being fed a mountain of anti-Israel hate that leaves out any facts or information that does not suit a hatefully biased anti-Israel agenda.

    Blumenthal has no problem with Arab or Muslim nationalism, yet rejects Jewish nationalism. And from a bigot who accepts Muslim-majority countries being Muslim and Arab-majority countries being Arab yet hatefully rejects the one tiny Jewish-majority country being Jewish. He leaves out any negative info about Palestinians or any positive info about Israel in order to promote his hate.

    Singling out Jewish nationalism as a unique evil is anti-semitic. As is denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination.

    Really gross of KPFA Radio 94.1FM for supporting garbage.

    1. It is extremely offensive to level accusations of anti-Semitism against critics of Israel’s polices and actions towards Palestinians. I value the opportunity to hear Blumenthal speak as such much media is crowded with Islamophobia and demonization of Palestinians. It seems clear Palestinians are suffering a grave injustice and it is a great opportunity to hear about the latest bombardment of Gaza from a perspective that does not automatically defend all that the IDF did.

      1. if the shoe fits, wear it

        islamaphobia is a myth created by the muslim brotherhood

        a phobia is an unnatural fear of something

        and there is nothing unnatural about fearing muslim terror

    2. what you call “self determination” has moral limitations. You don’t have to look very far back in history to see that .

  2. I have yet to hear an intelligent moral defense for the attorocities Isreal commits in the name of their Zionist (racist) agenda and apartheid politics from the anti-palestinian camp… BradD99 included.

    1. i have yet to hear an intelligent, moral or grammatically correct defense for the atrocities committed by the terror group, hamas

    1. Right Walt! One of the largest military power in the world against a stateless, imprisoned population, with 3 Israeli citizens killed and 1000’s of Palestinian civilians killed, including kids playing soccer on the beach. What utter nonsense, what arrogance.

        1. the capital letters don’t make you more believable. to be critical of the policies of what seems to be a misguided government doesn’t translate into ethnic/religious hatred.

  3. max blumenthal was on the ground in gaza….FOR A WEEK…DURING A CEASE FIRE


  4. Great talk…. It was a privilege to hear a witness of the atrocities committed during operation Protective Edge. Calm, reasonable and persuasive of the wrongs that were done and the importance of BDS as a vehicle to get some justice. Mr Blumenthal relayed the message that more than any aid or charity, what Palestinians want is an end to the occupation and the ongoing violent and unaccounted for persecution by Israel. I support his idea of keeping record of all those involved in committing the war-crimes from foot soldiers up the chain of command… not for retribution but for justice.

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