Friday October 14 to Thursday October 20, 2016
Meet Greg Palast, Jello Biafra and Dennis Bernstein at the San Francisco premiere of Palast’s new film.
Where: Presidio Theater, Chestnut and Lombard.
Palast & more celeb guests — Davy D on Monday — will be there to talk with you about the film after the 4pm and 7pm showings tonight and every night throughMonday.
Proceeds to KPFA.
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy is coming to San Francisco for a full week run after opening to standing ovations in New York and Los Angeles.
“…a wild and woolly ride, peppered with moments of wry sardonic humor that would make Dashiell Hammett smile. There’s so much more I’d love to tell you about what Palast dug up. But then I’d have to kill you. So you’ll just have to see “The Best Democracy Money Can Buy” for yourself.” – Paul Rosenberg – Salon | READ THE FULL REVIEW
Oct 14 – Oct 20
2340 Chestnut Street
San Francisco, CA 941232pm | 4.30 PM | 7pm | 9.30PM
Greg Palast will be doing Q&A with Special Guests
at the 4.30pm & 7pm screenings Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon