Law & Disorder

Comrade Sisters: Women of the Black Panther Party w/ Ericka Huggins – Fund Drive Special

FUND DRIVE SPECIAL – Pledge $350 and receive a copy of the latest book from Ericka Huggins along with Stephen Shames: Comrade Sisters: Women of the Black Panther Party. “This stunning collection of historical photographs, complimented by contemporary conversations with women members of the Black Panther Party, reminds us that women were literally the heart of this new political approach to Black freedom.” That’s from the book’s forward by Angela Davis.

We spend this hour with legendary former political prisoner and civil rights icon, famed for her leadership and education work with the Black Panther Party – Ericka Huggins. We’ll discuss her history with the Party, the assassination of her husband and child’s father, and how that led her to continue her political work while raising her child – including a portion of time when she was wrongly incarcerated.

FUND DRIVE SPECIAL – Pledge $600 and receive our Black History Mega Pack – four books including Comrade Sisters, Women of the Black Panther Party from Ericka Huggins and Stephen Shames, Graphic novels:  The Black Panther Party, and The Life of Frederick Douglas from David F Walker; and – The Illustrated Black History from George McCalman


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