Law & Disorder

20th Anniversary of the US Invasion of Iraq – Looking Back

Twenty years ago on March 19th, then-President George W Bush gave a presidential address telling Americans that there was a threat to the country, to our safety, to the safety of the globe. He said that threat was Saddam Hussein and that his so-called weapons of mass destruction were a threat to us all. He also said that Hussein was aligned with Al Qaeda, in the recent shadow of that organization’s attack on New Yorks’ World Trade Center. Twenty years ago Bush spearheaded the invasion of Iraq with US military force strategy of “Shock and Awe”, beginning eight years of occupation. Hundreds of thousands of lives were lost. Billions of dollars of infrastructure destroyed. And all behind a lie about Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Where were you the day we invaded Iraq?

On today’s show, we listen to KPFA’s own archives of the invasion of Iraq, bringing us back into the heaviness of that moment. We also ask listeners to call in and tell us their personal story of finding out that our government led an invasion into Iraq, and how it affected them personally.


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