International Women's Day

IWD 2:00 PM-2:30 PM: Wings Radio – Butch is Not a Dirty Word

Women who find themselves “on the masculine side of centre” often experience disapproval, rejection, and pressures to change. Madelaine Imber and Tandiwe Aebi-Moyo talk about Butch Is Not a Dirty Word, a magazine (and now an organization) designed to admire, appreciate, and network those who live with butch identity. Various butch identities are referenced, including butches of colour and trans butch.
Host(s): Jiselle Hanna, Featured Speakers/Guests: Madelaine Imber and Tandiwe Aebi-Moyo talk about their affiliations with Butch Is Not A Dirty Word and their experiences as a Butch in relation to various communities and activities in both Australia and the US.

Credits: Interview by Jiselle Hanna, first aired on 3CR community radio, Melbourne, Australia, in the program series Accent of Women, in 2017. Adapted and updated for WINGS by Series Producer: Frieda Werden.