Voices of the Middle East and North Africa

Voices of the Middle East and North Africa – June 23, 2004

Join co-hosts Malihe and Khalil for this week’s program, during which we will first hear an interview with Political Science Professor, Kiren Aziz Chaudhry of UC Berkeley, on the current socio-political situation in Saudi Arabia and on U.S. foreign policy in the Arabian Peninsula and the Middle East in general. Then, we’ll hear Palestinian poet and editor of The Poetry of Arab Women: A Contemporary Anthology Nathalie Handal* reading one of her poems. Also in the program, local Algerian Amazigh singer and songwriter Moh Alileche remembers his courageous fellow singer/activist, the legendary Matoub Lounes, who fell under the bullets of an assassin under mysterious circumstances in Algeria in 1998.

To contact us at the Middle Eastern and North African Perspectives (MENAP), you can call 510-848-6767, ext.632, or send an e-mail to vomekpfa@yahoo.com. MENAP¹s web site, menap.org, is currently under construction..

*Nathalie Handal is a regular contributor to the Middle Eastern and North African Perspectives (MENAP)

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