7:00 am
Earth Day Issues and Events:
Juliette Beck, Public Citizen, Water Privatization Issues in California, wateractivist.org; Layla Salazar, Amazon Watch, how trade agreements will affect the Amazon Basin, www.amazonwatch.org; Suzanne Wong, International Rivers Network, the impact of dams in Asia, – www.irn.org; Dune Lankard, co-founder of the Eyak Preservation Council and Redzone, an organization whose mission is to protect the inherent rights of culture, heritage, language and ancestral lands, www.redzone.org.
7:25 Medea Benjamin, Code Pink, No Hummers, call Global Exchange at 415-575-5525 for more info about the hum in
7:30 am
A conversation with John Feffer, author of North Korea/South Korea:
US Policy at a Time of Crisis and Christine Ahn, Program Coordinator at Food First/Institute for Food and Development Policy.
8:00 am
KPFAs Apprenticeship Program: The deadline for applications approaches. More info here.
8:30 am
A visit with the playwright, director, and actors from the Aurora
Theater’s production of "Antigone Falun Gong."
Morning Show Segue Music:
Time: 1st hour
Title:Swing 98
Album: Samoir Sur Seine
Label:Arco Iris
Time: 2nd Hour
Artist:Pascal de Loutchek
Title: Olga
Album: Arbat
Label:Buda Musique
Time: 2nd Hour
Artist: Vera Bila
Title: Chaje Chaje
Album: Kale Kalore
Label: Tinder Records