Voices of the Middle East and North Africa

Voices of the Middle East and North Africa – April 7, 2004

Deir Yassin was an Arab village on the outskirts of
west Jerusalem not very far from the highway that
connects Jerusalem with the Mediterranean seacoast of
Palestine. On Friday, April 9th 1948 Deir Yassin was
the scene of an unprovoked and premeditated massacre
that has since come to symbolize the inhumanity and
savagery of political Zionis

Today, close to five million refugees are dispossessed
of their land and identity. For over 50 years, they
have suffered the greatest injustice and it must be
remedied. Paramount among the remedies for this
injustice is the Right of Return. Unquestionably, it
has an irrefutable and solid legal basis. It is also
an indestructible core of the Palestinian psyche. To
them, it is sacred.

John and Johayna from the Middle East Radio Project
collective bring the history and the aftermath of this
massacre. They chronicle the events by voicing the
history of attacks on two Palestinian families and
talk to a young women, whose husband was murdered by
the Israelis by placing a bomb to his car.

Please visit the following site that documents the
Israelis pushing the Palestinians to the sea in 1948.
Please visit the following site that documents the
Israelis pushing the Palestinians to the sea in 1948:

Also, visit our web site for more information:
or, write to us: [email protected]

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