The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays

The KPFA Evening News, Weekdays – February 10, 2004

  • A suicide bomber blows up a truckload of explosives outside a police station south of Baghdad killing more than 50 people and wounding up to 100 – amoung the dead are Iraqis lined up for a job on the police force – asked about the bombing Defense Secretary Rumsfeld says there are murders in every major city in the world because human beings are human beings
  • Two grassroots groups launch a nationwide campaign to get Congress to censure President Bush for manipulating intelligence to justify the attack on Iraq
  • The 11th hour reprieve granted San Quentin death row inmate Kevin Cooper should keep his effort to exonerate himself going well into next year – the U.S. Supreme Court refused to intervene last night and let the Ninth Circuit Appeals Court stay of execution stand
  • Democratic Presidential front-runner John Kerry wins primaries in Virginia and Tennessee – the sweep gives Kerry 12 wins in the 14 Democratic contests thus far
  • State Democrats come out backing Governor Schwarzenegger’s 15 billion dollar bond to deal with the State’s fiscal crisis – both Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer and the leaders of both houses of the State Legislature announce their support today
  • San Francisco Supervisor Tom Ammiano with a resolution for a moratorium on sending youthful offenders to facilities of the California Youth Authority

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