- A Federal Court throws out death row inmate Kevin Cooper’s challenge to lethal injection as cruel and unusual punishment – the Reverend Jesse Jackson meets with Cooper and asks Governor Schwarzenegger to delay the execution
- An Alameda County Superior Court judge refuses to drop charges against 25 anti-war protestors arrested at the Port of Oakland last April
- California Secretary of State Kevin Shelley announces new plans to safeguard voting results for the March 2nd primary – it’s a response to concerns about electronic voting machines
- President Bush turns aside Democratic objections and asserts sole authority to name members of a panel to investigate pre-war intelligence on Iraq – the co-chairs are a former conservative Republican judge and a former moderate Democratic senator
- Ohio’s Republican Governor signs into law one of the nation’s most far reaching bans on gay marriage – and domestic partner benefits
- An armed group opposed to Haiti’s President Jean Bertrand Aristide stages a violent take over of the city of Gonaives