- Hundreds of people angered by the repeal of a law allowing undocumented imigrants to get driver’s licenses take to the streets around the state in a day long boycott of schools, work, and stores – the action is intended to underscore the economic power of California’s Latino community
- The State Senate passes a compromise budget reform plan put together by Governor Schwarzenegger and Democratic legislative leaders – the Senate acts one day after the Assembly gave its approval
- Transportation justice is the demand before the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) as a variety of groups urget the MTC to end discrimination against low income communities and communities of color
- Air quality officials in the San Joaquin Valley seeking a five year extension on their 2005 deadline to meet federal standards for smog
- President Bush enters the Halliburton controversy, saying that if Vice President Cheney’s former company is overcharging for importing gasoline into Iraq, the money should be repaid
- Life returning to normal in and around Kashmir as a ceasefire between Pakistan and India takes hold