- President Bush reverses field and removes US tarriffs on steel imports – the decision avoids a trade war with the Europian Union and Japan but may cost his re-election campaign votes next fall in the key steel-making states of Pennsylvania and Ohio
- Democrats in the State House offer alternatives to Gov. Schwarzenegger’s financial plan – they’ll back his $15 billion budget bail-out bond but want it paid off in 7 – not 30 – years … and they propose a more liberal spending cap – the deadline for agreement is just 30 hours away
- The city attorneys of SF and Oakland call on the State insurance commissioner to fully enforce proposition 103 and end the industry’s practice of using a person’s zip code to set the amount of their car insurance premium
- Homeless activists in SF take umbrage with SF chronicle series on homelessness – meanshile a strike by workers in the City’s homeless shelters
- The 9th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals deals a blow to a key part of anti-terrorism law
- A lawsuit to save the Pacifica sea otter