- The Bush administration rolling back another Clinton era environmental protection as it proposes new rules on mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants – critics call it another gift to polluters
- President Bush signs a landmark rewrite of forest rules – he says the Healthy Forest Restoration Act will prevent wildfires like the devestating ones this fall in Southern California – environmentalists say it gives loggers access to pristine stands of old-growth trees
- A coroner rules homocide in the latest death of an African American man at the hands of police in Cincinnati – but says that doesn’t mean the cops did anything wrong – the victim is the 18th black man killed by police there in the last 8 years
- a ballot proposal to try to stem the violent crime wave in the city of Oakland
- A controversial development proposal for SF’s Hunter’s Point Shipyard wins approval from the redevelopment commission
- The Final Debate in the SF Mayor run-off race – it’s surprisingly civil