- The California Assembly joins the Senate in voting to repeal a law that would have allowed undocumented immigrants to apply for driver’s licenses
- Advocates for children say Governor Schwarzenegger’s plan to cap enrollment in the state’s Healthy Families Program could put tens of thousands of low income children on a waiting list for health insurance
- A day after an Iraqi ambush sparks a fierce US military response, there are sharply conflicting reports of Iraqi casualties
- Dozens of current and former world leaders endorse an unofficial Mideast peace initiative dubbed the Geneva Accord
- Military officials say more than 100 prisoners will be released from US custody at Guantanamo Bay
- Immigration officials say they’ll scrap part of the controversial registration program for visitors mainly from the Middle East
- SF Mayoral candidate Matt Gonzalez charges that rival Gavin Newsom is beholden to special interests who have donated $3.3 million to his campaign