The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays

The KPFA Evening News, Weekdays – November 26, 2003

  • The Pentagon announces that severl thousand more Marines will go to Iraq next year, boosting teh numbers of troops deployed amid increasingly bloody resistance attacks
  • GOP Repuclican congressional leaders and Bush administration officials repare a $370 billion spending bill for approval when lawmakers return to work next month.. Democrats are balking
  • SF Mayoral candidate Matt Gonzales gathers Black, Latino, and Asian leaders to rebut charges by rival Gavin Newsom and Mayor Willia Brown that Gonzales has disproportionately opposed minority candidates named to city commissions
  • Some 11,000 UC graduate student instructors plan to strike next week
  • The Santa Rosa City Council turns down a resolution opposing the USA Patriot Act
  • A broad business coalition privately urges Governor Schwarzenegger to ease new environmental rules and curtail exisiting ones.

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