Thousands March at U.N. Climate Summit in Durban to Demand Climate Justice; South Africa Arrests, Deports Greenpeace Activists After Attempted High Stakes Banner Hang; Greenpeace Director Kumi Naidoo, From Anti-Apartheid Activist to Leading Voice for Climate Justice; The Road to Durban: Tracking Global Warming’s Devastating Impact Across the African Continent.
Global Emissions Climbed Record 5.9% in 2010
Thousands Stage Climate Justice March at Durban Climate Talks
Official Unemployment Rate Hits Lowest Mark Since March 2009
Police Arrest 31 at Occupy D.C.
Italy Austerity Measure Raises Retirement Age, Taxes
Iran Claims Downing of U.S. Drone
Thousands Protest U.S. Trade Deal in Seoul
White House Renews Military Spending Bill Veto Threat Over Indefinite Detention
Report: DEA Laundered Drug Money to Target Cartels
Bradley Manning Attorneys Accuse U.S. of Withholding Key Evidence