Sunday Salon

Sunday Salon – May 14, 2006

In our first hour…

The Bush Administration wanted the Iraq War, and in the years since the
invasion, Americans have learned a bit about how the White House made it
happen. And in the name of "war" Bush & Company are stifling Americans’
free speech, invading our privacy — hacking away at our civil liberties.
Are their actions impeachable?

Our guests:

Mark Danner, author, "The Secret Way to War : The Downing Street Memo and the Iraq War’s Buried History" (New York Review Books)
Barbara Olshansky or Dave Lindorff, authors, " The Case for Impeachment: The Legal Argument for Removing President George W. Bush from Office" (St.
Martin’s Press)

In our second hour…

Political satire IS dark humor, but that doesn’t mean you won’t laugh out loud. Gary Shteyngart joins us in-studio to read from and talk about his latest work, "Absurdistan: A Novel."

We’re in the first week of our Spring fund drive, and all of these books
will be available when you call to pledge your support to KPFA Radio during
"Sunday Salon."

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