
Counterspin – April 7, 2006

This week on CounterSpin: Video news releases are one of the ways
corporations and government agencies distribute their propaganda. That
wouldn’t be so bad on its own– except for the fact that those videos often
show up on TV newscasts, where viewers are led to believe that these PR
stunts are actually news reports. Just how widespread is this practice?
We’ll find out from Daniel Price, co-author of a new report about VNRs from
the Center for Media & Democracy.

Also on the show: How is it that US reporters and editors are so confident and so nearly univocal in their disdain for protesting French students? It’s because they’ve all signed up to the same belief system about the nature of the global economy and its demands. Our guest suggests viewers will need to go beyond the corporate press corps to really see what’s going on, around the world and here at home. Jeff Faux is the founder and former president of the Economic Policy Institute, and author of a new book, The Global Class

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