Join Malihe and Khalil for this week’s program, during which we will hear a talk by Kurdish-American activist and freelance journalist Ali Ezzatyar, tilted "Rooms in the House: Cross-State Alliances Among Kurds which he gave as part of a panel at the New College of California on June 19, 2005. In this presentation, the speaker reflects on the various and sometimes conflicting Kurdish perspectives on the current situation and future of Kurdistan, both in Iraq and in neighboring countries. Following this presentation, Shahram Aghamir will have a conversation with Ali Ezzatyar about the demands of the Kurdish population of Iraq and its interactions with the United States as an occupying force. Later in the program, we will talk to Bashir Anastas and Sonia El Feki about the Arab film festival as it prepares to introduce its 9th edition starting September 23 and ending October 2nd.