Dozens of Iraqis are killed and more than 160 wounded in a series of bloody bombings across Iraq…today’s carnage brings to more than 400 the number of deaths in the past two weeks.
Iraqi war resister Pablo Paredes is convicted in a San Diego court martial of refusing to board his warship last December, which was bound for Iraq…
The U.S. Army orders a one day suspension of recruiting efforts later this month to confront incidents of misconduct by apparently desperate recruiters…
Two days before releasing a revised state budget, governor Schwarzenegger announces he’ll direct an additional 1.3 billion dollars to transportation projects…
On the Day of the Teacher, thousands of parents, educators and school administrators stage rallies to protest the governor’s spending policies…
The presidents of five Central American countries and the Dominican Republic stage an unusual congressional lobbying blitz for a free trade agreement…in San Francisco, Central America, labor and fair trade activists urge a no vote…