NYPD Attempts To Criminalize Bike Riders Taking Part in Critical Mass
On Friday, police arrested 37 riders and confiscated dozens of bicylcles. Last week, the city filed a lawsuit seeking to prevent the group TIME’S UP! from promoting or advertising events that the city alleges to be illegal. The lawsuit also states that TIME’S UP! and the general public cannot participate in riding or gathering at the Critical Mass bike ride.
Pablo Paredes Faces Court Martial For Refusing to Fight in Iraq
On Friday, the Navy announced that Paredes will face a special court-martial, the military equivalent of a civilian misdemeanor trial. The charges against him include absence without leave and missing movement.
Jailed War Resister Camilo Mejia on His 9-Month Jail Sentence, Torture in Iraq and Why He Refused to Fight
Mejia was the first US soldier court-martialed for desertion and was ultimately sentenced to a year in jail. He was released in mid-February. Mejia spent six months in combat in Iraq where he witnessed the killing of civilians and the abuse of detainees. After He returned to the United States he decided never to return to fight in Iraq. He went into hiding to avoid redeployment and was classified as AWOL by the military. He spent five months underground.