Sunday Salon

Sunday Salon – February 27, 2005

First Hour:
The C.I.A.: from Test Tubes to Torture

Guests: Michael Scheuer, author (as "Anonymous") Imperial Hubris: Why the West is Losing the War on Terror (Brassey); Lindsay Moran, author, Blowing My Cover: My Life as a CIA Spy (Putnam).

Second Hour:
Can It Happen Here? Again? Voting Reform after 2004

Guests: Emily Levy, Project Coordinator for Richard Hayes Phillips
(; Walter Riley, community activist; Robert Kilbrick, legislative analyst, Verified Voting
(; Bob Fitrakis, co-editor, Columbus Ohio Free Press (

For further info about organizations working on election analysis and
reform, see

Listener participation welcome both hours: 1-800-958-9008 or [email protected].

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