Democracy Now 9am (rebroadcast)

Democracy Now! (6 am) – February 3, 2005

State of the Union 2005: Bush Pushes Aggressive Foreign Policy of "Spreading

President Bush used his 2005 State of the Union address to reinforce his inauguration
theme of spreading democracy around the world. In addition to hailing the elections
in Iraq and the Palestinian Occupied Territories, Bush issued warnings to Iran
and Syria. We speak with Phyllis Bennis of the Institute for Policy Studies.

The New Bush Agenda: A Debate on Social Security with Paul Krugman vs.
the American Enterprise Institute

President Bush devoted a large portion of his State of the Union address to
his push to restructure Social Security, kicking off a campaign to advocate
for the privatization of the system. We host a debate with Paul Krugman of The
New York Times and Eric Engen of the American Enterprise Institute.

Chertoff’s Role in Aug. 2002 Torture Memo Called into Question at Confirmation

At the confirmation hearings for President Bush’s Homeland Security chief nominee,
Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI) questioned Michael Chertoff about his role as head of
the criminal division of the Justice Department in the formulation of the Aug.
2002 so-called "torture memo" that provided a very narrow definition
of torture. We hear an excerpt of the hearing.

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