Governor Schwarzenegger and the U. S. Supreme Court turn down the appeals of Donald Beardslee. . . he ‘ s scheduled to be executed at midnight at San Quentin…
California Senator Barbara Boxer mounts a sharp challenge to Condoleeza
Rice at her confirmation hearings to be Secretary of State …Rice accuses
Boxer of impugning her integrity.
Despite the deteriorating situation in Iraq, a published report says
the Bush administration has secret forces in Iran to identify possible
future military targets
With a 60 day cooling off period set to expire next Monday, the two sides in
the San Francisco hotel labor dispute are still far apart…
California nurses tell a state hearing that Governor Schwarzenegger’s plan
to delay implementation of improved nurse staffing ratios will result in
more dangerous conditions for hospital patients…
An estimated 200 protestors at the Pacific Stock Exchange warn against
president Bush’s plan to privatize Social Security